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Unopened CPAP supplies (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Do you have unopened C-PAP head frames, face masks, nasal pillows, and headgear from trying them out but realizing they aren't a good fit for you and the provider won't take them back because it is too late? I've been able to find some medical CPAP supplies for myself at Bridge Ministries in Bellevue. Let me pick up your unneeded supplies taking up space and donate them so everyone wins. And if you are looking, please reply back with the SKUs and/or close up pictures and I can pass on some opened but unused items that they can't accept.





Living Proof and Perfect Shampoo (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Ask: Living Proof frizz or restore or volumizing shampoo or Perfect Hair Shampoo or Volume Shampoo. My partner and I have liked them in the past. Note: this is an ask.


Airfit F30i M mask & F30l S Frame (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Seeking ResMed CPAP supplies Airfit F30l Small Frame headgear SKU 63356 or 63305 and AirFit F30i Medium half face mask SKU 63351 or Wide 63353 and headgear 63372 connector if available. I have given away other supplies that I got that didn't work or fit me. I have looked at the MSHH Donor Closet in Edmonds, St. Vincent DePaul in Kenmore, and Bridge Ministries in Redmond (in case you are looking for C-PAP supplies) and they didn't have them.

Eureka RR bags for Bissell 4800 (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Give: Half a dozen extra Eureka upright-style RR bags. I might have an extra outside HF-2 HEPA filter. I used them for my Bissell 4800, which I gave away because we don't need two. P/U at two only needs one vacuum cleaner Ravenna Woods Condominiums at Ravenna Ave NE and NE 89th St.

Power supply for Tria hair removal (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Power supply for Tria hair removal laser 4 PN:3174A-08 is the triabeauty.com model. Perhaps yours burnt out?

screen protector for iPhone 7 (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Give: Archshield cell phone device screen protector for iPhone 7. I have several. P/U at Ravenna Ave NE and NE 89th St in recycling Ravenna Woods Condominiums

HP Inkjet 952 Black XL or regular (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
For 8710 series of HP Inkjet Office printers. I prefer a more recent expiration date because if you have automatic updates enabled (like they tell us good boys and girl lemmings to do), HP disabled access to off-market brands and their older cartridges with their October 25, 2024 firmware update. So if your machine died and you are wondering what to do with your black HP inkjet cartridges, here's a solution.

Sodastream Quick Connect canister (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Give: unused Sodastream Quick Connect canister. Bought by mistake at Badwill while searching for the other type of cannister (threaded). Please send me a picture of your QC canister. P/U in bubbling from the other threaded type of cannister Ravenna Woods Condominiums at ne 89th St and Ravenna Ave NE.

Wheeled folding adjustable walker (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Give: folding, adjustable walker with wheels. Please state why you need it. P/U in knee repaired Ravenna Woods Condominiums at ne 89th St and Ravenna Ave NE.

Edu insert, Checkbook, & Alumni mag (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Give: Seattle Times Education insert, Checkbook (local Consumer Report type publication) magazines from years past, and University of Iowa Alumni Magazine. P/U at Ravenna Ave NE and NE 89th St in wet, read Ravenna Woods Condominiums

Eureka RR bags for Bissell 4800 (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Give: half a dozen extra Eureka upright style RR bags. I might have an extra outside HF-2 HEPA filter. I used them for my Bissell 4800. P/U at two only need one vacuum cleaner Ravenna Woods Condominiums at Ravenna Ave NE and NE 89th St.

Large Christmas/Thanksgiving Cactus (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Ask: Large Christmas aka Thanksgiving cactus to replace partner's 50 year-old cactus of blessed memory.

2023 & 24 Arab calendars 4 collages (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Give: Aramco World paper calendars for 2023 (Fauna) and 2024 (connections). Useful for collages. See 2023 at and 2024 at P/U at Ravenna Ave NE and NE 89th St in diverse Ravenna Woods Condominiums
men's Bostonian black loafers 9.5 M (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Give: men's? Bostonian black penny loafers 9.5 M. P/U at Ravenna Ave NE and NE 89th St in walkable Ravenna Woods Condominiums

CPAP ResMed Supplies (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Give: Unused and opened CPAP face supplies for ResMed Air Sense machines I got from a friend an unused Airfit F30i standard starter pack 63360 that works with 63351 series of half face masks. Small and SW mask available Also four SKU 63811 N30i Medium new nasal plugs, four N30i 63813, small, and some opened M and SW with the wide plugs that cover the nostrils only. Also used water chamber for an 11 or 9 machine and four Airsense 11 filters I prefer to give it to someone who has to pay a co-pay. If you are looking for CPAP supplies, St Vincent DePaul in Kenmore on Bothell Way has some nasal in-the-nostril pillows for ResMed and some Philips supplies. If you need an Airsense 10 machine, the MSHH Donor Closet in beautiful downtown Edmonds has several of them, hoses, masks, and filters and a Nebulizer at no charge but call first. You can also purchase the above from Bridge Ministries on Northrup way in Bellevue Please PM me with what you use and need including specific SKUs if you know them. P/U in quieter Ravenna Woods Condominiums at Ravenna Ave NE and NE 89th St.

Riccar Vacuum Cleaner Bags (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Riccar vacuum cleaner bags for models r10CV, R17, R10P and R10S. Just got a new machine.

three 48" grow lights & maybe 4th (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Give: three 48" grow lights and a fourth if you can provide a regular fluorescent bulb and replace the one I put in the garage. Perhaps you got a itch to grow starts year round..... Please reply with why you need them and not "interested". P/U at former plant loving but cool Ravenna Woods Condominiums (with a ground floor creek facing fixed up one bedroom and a quiet 2 br, 2bth middle floor units coming up for purchase) at Ravenna Ave NE and NE 89th St.

Package w/ freezer insert & insulat (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Give: medium-sized UPS package with thick insulated walls and a cold reusable freezer insert. I think that it could be used for someone needing to store some medicine cold when we get our heat and sun. Pick up in @RavennaWoodsCondominiums at NE 89th St and Ravenna Ave NE or 23rd Ave NE

Five Riccar Type F vacuum bags (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Give: Five Riccar Type F vacuum bags for SupraLite or Simplicity Freedom. Got the wrong bags at Badwill. P/U at always cleaning Ravenna Woods Condominiums (with a ground floor creek facing fixed up one bedroom and a quiet 2 br, 2bth middle floor units coming up for purchase) at Ravenna Ave NE and NE 89th St.


Multi pants hanger (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Give: Multi pants hanger P/U at organizing Ravenna Woods Condominiums (with a ground floor creek facing fixed up one bedroom and a quiet 2 br, 2bth middle floor units coming up for purchase) at Ravenna Ave NE and NE 89th St.

TX40U-IT 6N10 Wireless Temp Sensor (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Ask: TX40U-IT 6N10 Wireless Temperature Sensor for Lacrosse WS-9245U-IT Wireless Temperature Station. My external sensor died. I use it to check what it is like outside. Perhaps your base station died?

TX40U-IT Wireless Temp Sensor (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Asking for TX40U-IT 6N10 Wireless Temperature Sensor for Lacrosse WS-9245U-IT Wireless Temperature Station. My sensor died. I use it to check what it is like outside. Perhaps your base station died?

Samsung Galaxy 6 Seniors user Book (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Give: My Samsung Galaxy Six for Seniors user BOOK in wider and larger type P/U at beautiful Ravenna Woods Condominiums (with a ground floor creek facing fixed up one bedroom and a quiet 2 br, 2bth middle floor units coming up for purchase) at Ravenna Ave NE and NE 89th St.
LG Tablet VK815 w/ keyboard & case (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Give: LG Tablet VK815 with keyboard and case. Works with wifi or was connected to Verizon and some screen damage in the lower right corner. I require responses that state why you need it or how you will use it. P/U at beautiful Ravenna Woods Condominiums (with a ground floor creek facing fixed up one bedroom and a quiet 2 br, 2bth middle floor units coming up for purchase) at Ravenna Ave NE and NE 89th St.
Airfit F30i M mask & F30l S Frame (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Seeking ResMed CPAP supplies Airfit F30l Small Frame headgear SKU 63300 and AirFit F30i Medium half face mask SKU 63351 and headgear connector if available. I have given away other supplies that I got that didn't work or fit me. I have looked at the MSHH Donor Closet in Edmonds, St. Vincent DePaul in Kenmore, and Bridge Ministries in Bellevue (in case you are looking) and they didn't have them.

Alleged Indian Peace Pipe (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Give: Alleged Peace Pipe. My parents bought it a long time ago. Please tell why you want it. P/U at naive Ravenna Woods Condominiums (with a ground floor creek facing fixed up one bedroom and a quiet 2 br., 2bth top floor units coming up for purchase) at Ravenna Ave NE and NE 89th St.

Used Sunset Nebulizer only (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Give: Used Sunset Nebulizer (no filters, hose or mouthpiece). Donor closet gave me an extra but I am fine with my new one. P/U at breathing better Ravenna Woods Condominiums (with a ground floor creek facing fixed up one bedroom and a quiet 2 br, 2bth top floor units coming up for purchase) at Ravenna Ave NE and NE 89th St.

Six round magnetic spice containers (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Give: six round magnetic spice containers. We had them on the refrigerator and range hood. P/U at downsizing. Ravenna Woods Condominiums (with a ground floor creek facing fixed up one bedroom and a quiet 2 br, 2bth top floor units coming up for purchase) at Ravenna Ave NE and NE 89th St.in Northeast Seattle by the 372 and 522 bus lines.

Magic Stainless Steel Spray Cleaner (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Red bottle in photo Pickup at 23rd Ave or Ravenna Ave NE and NE 89th St in pretty clean Ravenna Woods Condominiums with two creekside units (top back 2&2 with loft and 1 BR ground coming up for purchase.

Cable locks for laptop or notebook (Wedgwood, Seattle, WA, US)
Give: two retractable cable locks for laptop or notebook computers. I got them for my new one only to notice there is no way to secure it. One is a Targus with a four-number keypad and four foot cable and the other is a Kensington Keyed Notebook Lock with six foot cable. Please tell which one you want and the model of computer they will protect. Pickup at 23rd Ave or Ravenna Ave NE and NE 89th St in pretty secure Ravenna Woods Condominiums with a top floor 2br/2th unit and a ground floor 1 Br coming available Located off the 372 and 522 bus routes.
