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Free: Telescope (South Stifford RM20) Gifted For children.
Photo of free Telescope (South Stifford RM20) #1
Free: Wind up tv (South Stifford RM20) Gifted Plays music
Photo of free Wind up tv (South Stifford RM20) #1
Free: Stencils (South Stifford RM20) Gifted For little ones
Photo of free Stencils (South Stifford RM20) #1
Free: Skipping rope (South Stifford RM20) Gifted
Photo of free Skipping rope (South Stifford RM20) #1
Free: Toy garage (South Stifford RM20) Gifted Bit old been in the cupboard.
Photo of free Toy garage (South Stifford RM20) #1
Photo of free Toy garage (South Stifford RM20) #2
Free: Wooden toys (South Stifford RM20) Gifted Simple wooden toys for young children
Photo of free Wooden toys (South Stifford RM20) #1
Photo of free Wooden toys (South Stifford RM20) #2
Photo of free Wooden toys (South Stifford RM20) #3
Free: Very big play book (South Stifford RM20) Gifted Fun interactive book for young ones
Photo of free Very big play book (South Stifford RM20) #1
Photo of free Very big play book (South Stifford RM20) #2
Photo of free Very big play book (South Stifford RM20) #3
Free: Mixed aeroplanes (South Stifford RM20) Gifted To put together in anyway they like.
Photo of free Mixed aeroplanes (South Stifford RM20) #1
Free: Bag with 5 different games in. (South Stifford RM20) Gifted Just tidying out cupboards.
Photo of free Bag with 5 different games in. (South Stifford RM20) #1
Photo of free Bag with 5 different games in. (South Stifford RM20) #2
Request: Hedge Trimmer (South Stifford RM20) Received I'm wondering if anyone has a working hedge trimmer that they no longer want or need. I would be so appreciative of such an item, if you have one lying around. Thank you so much for reading.
Request: A walking stick (South Stifford RM20) Received Trapped nerve in back is making it hard to walk, does anyone have a walking stick they no longer need please. It would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
Free: Spare piece of new grey carpet (South Stifford RM20) Gifted Approx 10 feet long and at least 3 foot 6 inches wide. Left over new carpet.
Photo of free Spare piece of new grey carpet (South Stifford RM20) #1
Photo of free Spare piece of new grey carpet (South Stifford RM20) #2
Photo of free Spare piece of new grey carpet (South Stifford RM20) #3
Free: Wall phones connected to wall (South Stifford RM20) Expired Taken down and replaced but they still work if anyone needs them. Can be hung on a wall
Photo of free Wall phones connected to wall (South Stifford RM20) #1
Request: Aloe Vera Plants (South Stifford RM20) Received Would anyone have any Aloe vera plants they no longer want. I would love to have one or two of this amazing plant. thank you.
Free: Kitchen utensils (South Stifford RM20) Gifted A few too many kitchen utensils
Photo of free Kitchen utensils (South Stifford RM20) #1