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Offers   Requests
Free: Assorted plastic plant pots (Mt Rainier MD) 40 x 6" and a few 8 and 10". Hope to find someone who can use them before recycling.
Photo of free Assorted plastic plant pots (Mt Rainier MD) #1
Free: Rolling folding garment bag (Mt Rainier MD) Promised Great condition. Heavy duty. Rarely used. Dusty.
Photo of free Rolling folding garment bag (Mt Rainier MD) #1
Photo of free Rolling folding garment bag (Mt Rainier MD) #2
Photo of free Rolling folding garment bag (Mt Rainier MD) #3
Free: Portable shelving unit (Mt Rainier MD) Gifted Light weight
Photo of free Portable shelving unit (Mt Rainier MD) #1
Free: Unopened fragrance mist (Mt Rainier MD) Gifted Coconut lime verbena. Unwanted gift.
Photo of free Unopened fragrance mist (Mt Rainier MD) #1
Free: New mug with wooden coaster (Mt Rainier MD) Gifted An unwanted gift
Photo of free New mug with wooden coaster (Mt Rainier MD) #1
Photo of free New mug with wooden coaster (Mt Rainier MD) #2
Free: Unopened children's allergy liquid (Mt Rainier MD) Gifted Expires 8/25.
Photo of free Unopened children's allergy liquid (Mt Rainier MD) #1
Photo of free Unopened children's allergy liquid (Mt Rainier MD) #2
Free: Assorted children's books (Mt Rainier MD) Gifted Gently used. Beginning readers through young adults. Will be out until it rains.
Photo of free Assorted children's books (Mt Rainier MD) #1
Request: Portable Cassette player (Mt Rainier MD) Received Any size. Mine finally died.
Free: Old fashioned holiday lighta (Mt Rainier MD) Gifted Two strings one with larger bulbs. Both need replacement bulbs
Photo of free Old fashioned holiday lighta (Mt Rainier MD) #1
Photo of free Old fashioned holiday lighta (Mt Rainier MD) #2
Free: Fitbit versa lite and charger (Mt Rainier MD) Gifted Works fine but too complicated for me
Photo of free Fitbit versa lite and charger (Mt Rainier MD) #1
Free: Unbreakable ornaments (Mt Rainier MD) Gifted Approx 50 large and 24 small
Photo of free Unbreakable ornaments (Mt Rainier MD) #1
Free: Decorative glass canisters (Mt Rainier MD) Gifted Approx 14, 12 and 10" tall. The 10" one is missing few tiles which can be glued back on.
Photo of free Decorative glass canisters (Mt Rainier MD) #1
Request: Leather tool belt (Mt Rainier MD) Expired Any size. Usable condition. Mine finally fell apart.
Free: Coconut Live Fit packets (Mt Rainier MD) Gifted Best by 5/23 but I am pretty sure they don't expire. One unopened, one with 12 left.
Photo of free Coconut Live Fit packets (Mt Rainier MD) #1
Photo of free Coconut Live Fit packets (Mt Rainier MD) #2
Free: 17 Vintage Holiday cards (Mt Rainier MD) Gifted With envelopes.
Photo of free 17 Vintage Holiday cards (Mt Rainier MD) #1
Request: Milk crates (Mt Rainier MD) Expired Any condition.
Request: Insulated medium lunch bag (Mt Rainier MD) Expired Please reply with a picture. Thanks 😊
Request: Smart watch swap (Mt Rainier MD) Expired Fitbit Versa lite works fine but is too complicated. Do you have a simpler (older?) one that you no longer use? I really liked my old Alta HR...
Photo of Smart watch swap (Mt Rainier MD) #1
Free: 'vintage' car lighter splitter (Mt Rainier MD) Expired I hate to throw it away
Photo of free 'vintage' car lighter splitter (Mt Rainier MD) #1
Free: 2 Blue tie dye kits (Mt Rainier MD) Gifted Never opened.
Photo of free 2 Blue tie dye kits (Mt Rainier MD) #1
Free: 2 small sconces (Mt Rainier MD) Expired One has a chip on rim. Fixture opening is 2"
Photo of free 2 small sconces (Mt Rainier MD) #1
Photo of free 2 small sconces (Mt Rainier MD) #2
Free: Plastic pots 4,6,8 and 10" (Mt Rainier MD) Gifted Take some or all. Porch pick up 3004 Upshur St., Mt Rainier 20712
Photo of free Plastic pots 4,6,8 and 10" (Mt Rainier MD) #1
Free: Full size mirror (Mt Rainier MD) Gifted Frame broken but glass ok. porch pick up. 3004 Upshur St. Mt Rainier 20712
Photo of free Full size mirror (Mt Rainier MD) #1
Free: 6 light ceiling fixture's (Mt Rainier MD) Gifted Rescued from neighbor's renovations. Should still work. Porch
Photo of free 6 light ceiling fixture's (Mt Rainier MD) #1
Free: 5 light ceiling fixture (Mt Rainier MD) Gifted Rescued from a neighbor's renovations. Should still work. Boxes and packing material included. Porch 3004 Upshur St Mt Rainier 20712
Photo of free 5 light ceiling fixture (Mt Rainier MD) #1
Free: Full size mirror (Mt Rainier MD) Gifted Frame broken but glass ok. Besides porch pick up. 3004 Upshur St. Mt Rainier 20712
Photo of free Full size mirror (Mt Rainier MD) #1
Free: 6" plastic pots & a few 4" and 8" (Mt Rainier MD) Gifted Great for seedlings. Porch steps 3004 Upshur St. Mt. Rainier. I hate to recycle them if they can be reused.
Photo of free 6" plastic pots & a few 4" and 8" (Mt Rainier MD) #1
Free: Two venetian blinds 31x64" (Mt Rainier MD) Gifted Still in unopened box. Color is alabaster.
Photo of free Two venetian blinds 31x64" (Mt Rainier MD) #1
Request: 2024 calendar (Mt Rainier MD) Expired Any size
Free: Red plastic dish drainer (Mt Rainier MD) Gifted Used. Ppu 3004 Upshur St. 20712
Photo of free Red plastic dish drainer (Mt Rainier MD) #1