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Free: Fencing and metal stakes from cut down heras panels (Street on the Fosse BA4) 8 Large fencing pieces, 130h x just over 300w Lots of other pieces too some quite big. Whoever collects can take whatever others they want. Lots of heras panel off cut poles too. (I used them with tying wire to make pens for animals). See photo Also a few shorter metal poles.
Photo of free Fencing and metal stakes from cut down heras panels (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Photo of free Fencing and metal stakes from cut down heras panels (Street on the Fosse BA4) #2
Photo of free Fencing and metal stakes from cut down heras panels (Street on the Fosse BA4) #3
Photo of free Fencing and metal stakes from cut down heras panels (Street on the Fosse BA4) #4
+2 +1
Free: Dumpy bag, old rusty burning bin (Street on the Fosse BA4) Gifted See photo Not sure if any good for anyone? State what you want and when you will collect
Photo of free Dumpy bag, old rusty burning bin (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Free: Microsoft keyboards (Street on the Fosse BA4) Gifted See photo State whether you want 1 or both and what day/evening and approx time you want to collect.
Photo of free Microsoft keyboards (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Free: Pipes etc for pond pump (Street on the Fosse BA4) Gifted Found these in a box after rehoming pond pumps. Not sure if any use to anyone. See photo State day/evening and approx time you want to collect.
Photo of free Pipes etc for pond pump (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Free: Long lengths and curved lengths of metal poles (Street on the Fosse BA4) See photos They came from a polytunnel which was attached to the side of a building years ago. We got from freecycle but never used them. The straight lengths are very heavy and various lengths. Curved lengths are a bit rusty on the end.
Photo of free Long lengths and curved lengths of metal poles (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Photo of free Long lengths and curved lengths of metal poles (Street on the Fosse BA4) #2
Free: Material from new full car seat covers (Street on the Fosse BA4) Gifted Custom made but was not up to health and safety standards. So if anyone can use the material?? faux leather / pvu. See photos State day/evening and approx time you want to collect.
Photo of free Material from new full car seat covers (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Photo of free Material from new full car seat covers (Street on the Fosse BA4) #2
Photo of free Material from new full car seat covers (Street on the Fosse BA4) #3
Free: Working flat screen tv with remote (Street on the Fosse BA4) Gifted See photos 44w x 26h inches State what day/evening and approx time you want to collect.
Photo of free Working flat screen tv with remote (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Photo of free Working flat screen tv with remote (Street on the Fosse BA4) #2
Photo of free Working flat screen tv with remote (Street on the Fosse BA4) #3
Free: Lengths of wood and posts (Street on the Fosse BA4) Gifted See photos I have removed nails. State day/evening and approx time you want to collect.
Photo of free Lengths of wood and posts (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Photo of free Lengths of wood and posts (Street on the Fosse BA4) #2
Photo of free Lengths of wood and posts (Street on the Fosse BA4) #3
Free: 4 old fence panels and posts (Street on the Fosse BA4) Gifted See photos Being taken down tomorrow so if anyone can make use of them let me know asap. State what day/evening and approx time you want to collect.
Photo of free 4 old fence panels and posts (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Photo of free 4 old fence panels and posts (Street on the Fosse BA4) #2
Photo of free 4 old fence panels and posts (Street on the Fosse BA4) #3
Free: Various postage packaging (Street on the Fosse BA4) Gifted See photo Mostly used, some new plastic bags. Would be good for ebay....? If you don't live too far I may be able to deliver
Photo of free Various postage packaging (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Free: Poultry feeder and waterer (Street on the Fosse BA4) Gifted As well as the 2 large ones (offered separately) I have found 2 small as photo
Photo of free Poultry feeder and waterer (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Free: Large Poultry feeder and waterer (Street on the Fosse BA4) Gifted Large plastic see photo State day/evening and an approx time you want to collect.
Photo of free Large Poultry feeder and waterer (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Free: 3 pond pumps (Street on the Fosse BA4) Gifted See photos All in working order before being stored. I plugged them in and the 2 old black ones made a noise suggesting they work. The newer one nothing happened but could be because of the style, it has a float attached so needs to be checked in water. State what day/evening and approx time you want to collect and which one/ones
Photo of free 3 pond pumps (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Photo of free 3 pond pumps (Street on the Fosse BA4) #2
Free: Bicycle rack (Street on the Fosse BA4) Gifted See photos Has been stored for years only used twice. State day/evening and approx time you want to collect.
Photo of free Bicycle rack (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Photo of free Bicycle rack (Street on the Fosse BA4) #2
Free: Large rug (Street on the Fosse BA4) Gifted See photos 185x270cm Good condition apart from 2 small 4cm cuts as on photo. State day/evening and approx time you want to collect.
Photo of free Large rug (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Photo of free Large rug (Street on the Fosse BA4) #2
Photo of free Large rug (Street on the Fosse BA4) #3
Free: Painting trays rollers, handles (Street on the Fosse BA4) Gifted See photos State day/evening and approx time you want to collect.
Photo of free Painting trays rollers, handles (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Photo of free Painting trays rollers, handles (Street on the Fosse BA4) #2
Free: Large office desk (Street on the Fosse BA4) Withdrawn See photos, metal frame underneath, nice and strong. I have dismantled it. It measure 80cm x 160cm It has 3 drawers. State what day/evening and approx time you want to collect. I did promise it to someone but have had no reply so reposting as I need it gone ASAP.
Photo of free Large office desk (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Photo of free Large office desk (Street on the Fosse BA4) #2
Photo of free Large office desk (Street on the Fosse BA4) #3
Free: Used tennis balls and/or ball flingers (Street on the Fosse BA4) Withdrawn 25 used tennis balls and 3 ball fingers Let me know what you want and day/evening and approx time you want to collect
Photo of free Used tennis balls and/or ball flingers (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Photo of free Used tennis balls and/or ball flingers (Street on the Fosse BA4) #2
Free: Blue office desk chair (Street on the Fosse BA4) Gifted See photos State day/evening and approx time you want to collect
Photo of free Blue office desk chair (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Photo of free Blue office desk chair (Street on the Fosse BA4) #2
Photo of free Blue office desk chair (Street on the Fosse BA4) #3
Free: Old fashioned large sofa (Street on the Fosse BA4) Withdrawn 94d x 214w x 93h Broken foot easily sorted See photo
Photo of free Old fashioned large sofa (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Photo of free Old fashioned large sofa (Street on the Fosse BA4) #2
Photo of free Old fashioned large sofa (Street on the Fosse BA4) #3
Photo of free Old fashioned large sofa (Street on the Fosse BA4) #4
+2 +1
Free: Child's bicycle (Street on the Fosse BA4) Gifted See photos Age 4 - 6 years Good condition, just needs a clean. State day/evening and approx time when you want to collect
Photo of free Child's bicycle (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Photo of free Child's bicycle (Street on the Fosse BA4) #2
Free: Small roll of low fencing (Street on the Fosse BA4) Expired Unused 1ft high decorative green fencing approx 12ft. State when you want to collect. SEE PHOTO
Photo of free Small roll of low fencing (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Free: Various packaging materials (Street on the Fosse BA4) Expired Lots of packaging materials... Thick brown paper, lighter bits of paper, bubble wrap, some Packaging peanuts. Useful for ebay or moving. See photo Let me know when you want to collect and if you want any specific bits. I could possibly deliver.
Photo of free Various packaging materials (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Free: White metal bunkbeds (Street on the Fosse BA4) Gifted Good condition, when assembled it is sturdy, one bar is bent but doesn'teffect it (bottom bunk by the wall shown on photo) Dismantled already. There is a ladder but doesn't show on photo. There is 1 mattress, see photo. It is stained but the cover has a zip and comes off. When replying let me know if you want just bunkbeds or mattress as well.
Photo of free White metal bunkbeds (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Free: Double mattress (Street on the Fosse BA4) Gifted Firm double mattress in very good condition. See photos. Please state day/evening and approx time you want to collect.
Free: 2 old adult bicycles (Street on the Fosse BA4) Gifted See photos Haven't been used for years so very rusty. Not sure if anyone can make use of them? State day/evening and approx time you want to collect, and if you want one or both.
Photo of free 2 old adult bicycles (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Photo of free 2 old adult bicycles (Street on the Fosse BA4) #2
Photo of free 2 old adult bicycles (Street on the Fosse BA4) #3
Free: Single bed and mattress (Street on the Fosse BA4) Gifted See photos. State when you want to collect. Bed comes apart with Allen key which I will let you take with the bed. Very basic bed but sturdy. Mattress is in reasonable condition and is soft/medium.
Photo of free Single bed and mattress (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Photo of free Single bed and mattress (Street on the Fosse BA4) #2
Photo of free Single bed and mattress (Street on the Fosse BA4) #3
Free: Large plastic dog bed (Street on the Fosse BA4) Expired Approx 36 x 25 inches See photo State what day/evening and approx time you want to collect.
Photo of free Large plastic dog bed (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Free: White single bed frame (no mattress) (Street on the Fosse BA4) Expired See photo State what day/evening and approx time you want to collect.
Photo of free White single bed frame (no mattress) (Street on the Fosse BA4) #1
Photo of free White single bed frame (no mattress) (Street on the Fosse BA4) #2
Photo of free White single bed frame (no mattress) (Street on the Fosse BA4) #3
Free: Bed frame (Street on the Fosse BA4) Expired Used, in good condition.