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Free: Boxes and packing materials (Oakland) Gifted Good condition. From shipments received. Mixed sizes, mixed types of packing materials. Need to give away or recycle asap. Preference to someone who will take all.
Photo of free Boxes and packing materials (Oakland) #1
Free: Boxes and packing materials (Oakland) Gifted Dozens of boxes, with the packing materials that came with them. Continuing to add more, since the photo was taken. Looking for someone to take *all*. Great for a creative packer — I make great use of this kind of collection whenever I move — but if you’re looking for a bunch of standard-sized moving boxes, this ain’t it.
Photo of free Boxes and packing materials (Oakland) #1
Free: Boxes and packing materials (Oakland) Gifted Dozens of boxes, with the packing materials that came with them. About 20 medium-sized boxes. One big, sturdy one with a hinged lid, which we were tempted to keep for storage. But we don’t have room for it. :) A slew of smaller boxes of various sizes and shapes. Continuing to add more medium-sized boxes, since the photo was taken. Looking for someone to take *all*. Great for a creative packer — I make great use of this kind of collection whenever I move — but if you’re looking for a bunch of standard-sized moving boxes, this ain’t it.
Photo of free Boxes and packing materials (Oakland) #1
Free: Boxes Galore! (Packing stuff, too!) (Oakland) Gifted Dozens of boxes. Medium, Large-ish, small. Various shapes. Variety of packing materials. Prefer to go all at once.
Photo of free Boxes Galore! (Packing stuff, too!) (Oakland) #1
Photo of free Boxes Galore! (Packing stuff, too!) (Oakland) #2
Free: Boxes and packing materials (Oakland) Gifted About two dozen boxes. Various sizes and shapes, mostly medium-sized. Several with recyclable padded lining. Random assortment of packing materials.
Photo of free Boxes and packing materials (Oakland) #1
Free: Boxes and packing materials (Oakland) Gifted Roughly nine medium-large boxes of various sizes and shapes. Most of those made of extra-string cardboard. A bunch of smaller ones also, of various sizes and shapes. Assorted packing materials. Four of the boxes have fitted removable packing, great if you need extra padding or insulation. More boxes will be coming soon. I need these to go asap b/c no space to store them. But if you pick these up and want more, I would be happy to call you first for those, as well.
Free: Boxes and packing materials (Oakland) Gifted Three medium-large boxes, half a dozen smaller ones. Assorted packing materials. Two of the boxes have fitted removal packing, great if you need extra padding or insulation. (See photos.)
Photo of free Boxes and packing materials (Oakland) #1
Photo of free Boxes and packing materials (Oakland) #2
Photo of free Boxes and packing materials (Oakland) #3
Free: Kenmore propane grill w/side burner (Oakland) Gifted Overall good condition. Giving away on behalf of my landlord. Previous tenant bought it new, used only a few times. Left it behind. Landlord cleaned it, used it once, said it worked well. Now it’s been sitting (covered) for months, so a little rust that will need to be cleaned off. No propane tank — you’ll have to supply that, but that’s easy enough.
Photo of free Kenmore propane grill w/side burner (Oakland) #1
Photo of free Kenmore propane grill w/side burner (Oakland) #2
Photo of free Kenmore propane grill w/side burner (Oakland) #3
Photo of free Kenmore propane grill w/side burner (Oakland) #4
+2 +1
Free: Boxes and packing materials (Oakland) Gifted Quite a few — see photo. All the bigger boxes have more medium or small ones, plus packing material, inside. Seeking someone who will take all. Either a bigger vehicle, or bring a box cutter to cut the tape and pack flat.
Photo of free Boxes and packing materials (Oakland) #1
Free: Boxes and packing materials (Oakland) Gifted A mix of sizes and shapes. Some extra sturdy ones. Each box is full of various types of packing materials. Preference given to responder who will take all.
Photo of free Boxes and packing materials (Oakland) #1
Free: Boxes and packing materials (Oakland) Gifted Two of the larger boxes are padded with insulated eco-packing materials. You can compost, but would be great if you want a couple of boxes with some extra fitted protection.
Photo of free Boxes and packing materials (Oakland) #1
Free: Teapot (Oakland) Expired Stainless steel whistling teapot.
Photo of free Teapot (Oakland) #1
Free: More boxes and packing materials (Oakland) Gifted See photo. Range of sizes and shapes. Assorted packing materials. More medium and large boxes added since first posted.
Photo of free More boxes and packing materials (Oakland) #1
Free: Boxes and packing materials (Oakland) Gifted See photo. Range of sizes and shapes. Assorted packing materials.
Photo of free Boxes and packing materials (Oakland) #1
Free: Stainless steel cookware pieces (Oakland) Gifted Excellent condition! All stainless steel. 1) Stainless steel, copper-bottomed pan, 10-inch diameter, edge to edge. 2) Pot, 9 inches diameter, 6 inches high. 3) Steamer basket insert. 8-inch interior diameter, 9-inch diameter with lip. Approx 3 inches deep. 4) Three lids: 9 and 3/8 diameter of interior lip; 7 and 7/8 diameter of interior lip; and 5 and 3/8 diameter of interior lip. With exterior overhang: 10 inches, 8.5 inches and 6 inches. The larger two have a “steam control” top; turn the knob to open vent and let steam out, or turn the other way to close it.
Photo of free Stainless steel cookware pieces (Oakland) #1
Photo of free Stainless steel cookware pieces (Oakland) #2
Photo of free Stainless steel cookware pieces (Oakland) #3
Photo of free Stainless steel cookware pieces (Oakland) #4
+6 +5 +4
Free: Boxes and packing materials (Oakland) Gifted See photos. Each box comes with some packing materials: paper, peanuts, a little bit of bubble wrap. Second photo is styrofoam and foam sheets which you can take if you can use for packing. Otherwise, that will just get tossed out. But please take all the rest.
Photo of free Boxes and packing materials (Oakland) #1
Photo of free Boxes and packing materials (Oakland) #2