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Request: WHEELBARROW in Any Condition (Gledhow LS8) Doesn't need to be complete and can be rusty etc Thanks
Request: kid's bike for spare parts (Seacroft LS14) Require wheels and tyres etc. Brake parts Thank You. Will collect Leeds
Request: Faulty/Unwanted TELEVISION (Seacroft LS14) Expired Any size TV with an Undamaged Screen wanted for a project and can collect.Thanks
Photo of Faulty/Unwanted TELEVISION (Seacroft LS14) #1
Request: Faulty/Unwanted TELEVISION (Seacroft LS14) Expired Any size TV With an Undamaged Screen for a project and can collect Thank You
Request: Car Battery (Seacroft LS14) Expired Any old car battery required for project Thanks
Free: Calcium Tablets x 100 (Gledhow LS8) Gifted Unopened Calcium Tablets if anyone requires them or good for altering the pH of the soil 200 in total
Request: DYSON Vacuum For Parts (Seacroft LS14) Received A broken or faulty Dyson required just for parts to get mine working again Thanks and can collect
Free: LG 42" Plasma TV - Faulty (Healey WF17) Expired Old heavy plasma good for parts and screen not damaged
Free: barbeque - bbq - bbq (Healey WF17) Expired Small square BBQ with grill rack and needs charcoal etc to function - NOT Gas powered Bit rusty and needs a clean and on wheels Collect Batley wf17 area Sorry no photos
Free: COAT HANGERS Mainly black Plastic (Healey WF17) Expired Some Wooden and some white plastic etc Have as many as you need before sending to the Charity shop
Free: 3 Piece Suite in Brown Draylon (Healey WF17) Expired Good condition no tears or spillages but has been in storage Collect from wf17 Healey area Welcome to take the chair/s or just the sofa
Request: Faulty/Unwanted TELEVISION (Seacroft LS14) Expired Any make or model required and save yourself a trip to the council tip.Thank You
Free: Makeup - most used (Healey WF17) Expired Massage Lotions, sun protection lotions and potions and Lipsticks mainly red Etc etc etc. Polystyrene Heads for displaying wigs or hats?
Photo of free Makeup - most used (Healey WF17) #1
Photo of free Makeup - most used (Healey WF17) #2
Free: Empty WHISKEY BOTTLE Boxes Etc (Healey WF17) Expired Various brands which would be ideal for a home bar or mancave Note made of Cardboard not wood and some similar to Pringle tubes
Request: kid's bike for spare parts (Healey WF17) Expired Require wheels and tyres 14". Brakes Thank You. Will collect Leeds or Batley
Request: Black WHEELIE BIN (Healey WF17) Received Moved into a property and no bin ! Thanks
Free: BRANCHES Dry and Thin (Healey WF17) Expired About half an inch in thickness and cut 9 months ago. NOT conifer so ok for wood burner Better than nowt for keeping warm this winter!