A Members' Posts

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Offers   Requests
Free: Wireless drills and batteries (Maple ave.) Gifted Mismatched charger does not fit batteries I have no idea if any do or do not work
Photo of free Wireless drills and batteries (Maple ave.) #1
Photo of free Wireless drills and batteries (Maple ave.) #2
Request: BBQ grill Grates (Maple ave.) I need IRON grated from old grill to repurpose into fire grate in barrel stove.. The grill can be rusted but the iron useable
Free: Electric fry skillet plug (Grafton WV. 26354) Gifted Working control for general electric electric skilletno longer have the rest.
Photo of free Electric fry skillet plug (Grafton WV. 26354) #1
Photo of free Electric fry skillet plug (Grafton WV. 26354) #2
Photo of free Electric fry skillet plug (Grafton WV. 26354) #3
Free: Candle lighter (Grafton WV. 26354) Gifted New opened package never charged.
Photo of free Candle lighter (Grafton WV. 26354) #1
Photo of free Candle lighter (Grafton WV. 26354) #2
Free: curb alert 15" tires (Grafton WV. 26354) Gifted Told by someone these weren't work mounting.(Dry rotted) Will be taken to dump Friday.
Photo of free curb alert 15" tires (Grafton WV. 26354) #1
Photo of free curb alert 15" tires (Grafton WV. 26354) #2
Photo of free curb alert 15" tires (Grafton WV. 26354) #3
Request: Bricks NEW/USED (Maple ave.) Expired I need about 100 bricks I can remove clean and haul them. Away Let me know if you have or know where I can get them cheap or free
Request: Old paneling (Maple ave.) Expired I'm looking for paneling. Looks or design not important. Wanted to cover walls of an old garage I'll take all I can get. I have a truck and trailer to haul away
Request: old Towels (Maple ave.) Expired I need towels, wash clothes etc. for auto detailing. I'll take torn stained frayed only needed for cleaning
Free: Christmas tree stand (Maple ave.) Gifted Needs cleaned but in good shape
Photo of free Christmas tree stand (Maple ave.) #1
Photo of free Christmas tree stand (Maple ave.) #2
Photo of free Christmas tree stand (Maple ave.) #3
Request: T.V. Anrenna (Maple ave.) Expired Recent unemployment has caused a belt tightening cable TV. expense first to go. I need a basic Anrenna for attic or roof mounting. I can remove if needed
Free: Narcan (Maple ave.) Gifted New two applications Save a life
Photo of free Narcan (Maple ave.) #1
Free: dresser (Maple ave.) Gifted Looking for small to medium size useable dresser. Thanks.
Photo of free dresser (Maple ave.) #1
Request: Dresser (Maple ave.) Expired Looking for small to medium size useable dresser. Thanks.
Free: Free standing heater (Maple ave.) Gifted Fancy old style ventless heater
Photo of free Free standing heater (Maple ave.) #1
Free: Mini tiller (Maple ave.) Gifted I lost interest in project
Photo of free Mini tiller (Maple ave.) #1
Free: Hubcaps Subaru and Chevy cavalier (Maple ave.) Expired Good used
Photo of free Hubcaps Subaru and Chevy cavalier (Maple ave.) #1
Free: Mowers (Maple ave.) Gifted Free mowers all can be easily fixed. Don't have the time. Bought a new one My loss your gain Need the room in garage
Photo of free Mowers (Maple ave.) #1
Photo of free Mowers (Maple ave.) #2
Photo of free Mowers (Maple ave.) #3
Free: Books (Maple ave.) Expired Better Homes and Garden household repairs. Haynes motor 1995-2005 cav. Sunbird repair manuel
Photo of free Books (Maple ave.) #1
Request: Adult walker (Maple ave.) Expired My wife is in need of a useable walker.
Free: Buncha stuffs (Maple ave.) Gifted What's youz seez iz what's youza getza
Photo of free Buncha stuffs (Maple ave.) #1
Free: Pile of stuff (Maple ave.) Expired Aluminum tanoe cover clamps. Metal WVu stick ons. Brush for floor cleaner.. Hitch pin and car phone charger
Photo of free Pile of stuff (Maple ave.) #1
Photo of free Pile of stuff (Maple ave.) #2
Photo of free Pile of stuff (Maple ave.) #3
Photo of free Pile of stuff (Maple ave.) #4
+4 +3 +2
Request: Beer kegs (Maple ave.) Expired I need used beer kegs DIY wood stove project
Free: Tubing (Maple ave.) Expired Clear plastic food grade tubing. Very lonnnnggg West Virginia gas credit card!
Free: Car seaT covers (Maple ave.) Gifted Black/grey like new Clean.
Photo of free Car seaT covers (Maple ave.) #1
Photo of free Car seaT covers (Maple ave.) #2
Free: 4 resin chairs (Maple ave.) Gifted White still useable NEED CLEANED.
Photo of free 4 resin chairs (Maple ave.) #1
Photo of free 4 resin chairs (Maple ave.) #2
Photo of free 4 resin chairs (Maple ave.) #3
Request: Wash board and Manuel wringer (Maple ave.) Expired I'm looking for a useable washboard and a Manuel clothes wringer. Not looking for new or perfect. I'm going to use for detailing rags
Free: Tires (Maple ave.) Gifted 15" tires all goodsome mounted on Subaru rims some small Chevy rims and some not mounted. Need these gone ASAP
Photo of free Tires (Maple ave.) #1
Photo of free Tires (Maple ave.) #2
Photo of free Tires (Maple ave.) #3
Photo of free Tires (Maple ave.) #4
+4 +3 +2
Free: Girls jeans (Maple ave.) Gifted Fancy pocket jeansstill in very nice condition. Clean
Photo of free Girls jeans (Maple ave.) #1
Photo of free Girls jeans (Maple ave.) #2
Photo of free Girls jeans (Maple ave.) #3
Photo of free Girls jeans (Maple ave.) #4
+2 +1
Free: 5 gallon buckets (Maple ave.) Gifted Empty buckets with lids(removable). May have small amount of car was soap etc. left in them. Good for mop buckets storring thing, lids and tops included.
Photo of free 5 gallon buckets (Maple ave.) #1
Photo of free 5 gallon buckets (Maple ave.) #2
Free: Va. Pa. and Oh. Maps (Maple ave.) Expired State maps for those pre G.P.S. People Still in good shape.
Photo of free Va. Pa. and Oh. Maps (Maple ave.) #1