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Request: Navigation for Car (Fremont) Looking for an old school type of navigation/ GPS system that can connect to a car through a car lighter. I need one for my father-in-law he doesn't want to change from his flip phone he's old school and electronics are too much for him to handle and he refuses to upgrade.continues with his flip phone so I was looking to hopefully get him connected with at least a navigation for his car so he doesn't keep getting lost
Request: Ethernet cable (Fremont) Anyone have an extra Ethernet cable they would like to donate? Pretty please 😁
Request: Futon (Fremont) Expired Looking for a futon bed for my daughter.
Request: Crutches or knee scooter (Fremont) Received If anyone has crutches or a new scooter please please message me at 510 714 0010.
Request: Shovel (Fremont) Expired Full size normal shovel
Request: Cleaning supplies (Fremont) Expired I just used the last of my cleaners last night and can't purchase anymore till next month when I get paid. But I can't wait that long and desperately need to fully deep clean my place. So I had hopes to see if there was any way I can reach out to the community and ask for donations. Any kind of disinfecting and or sanitizing cleaners. Peroxide. Vinegar. Bleach. Lysol. Gloves. Peppermint, lavender, tea tree, Rosemary and eucalyptus Essential oils.
Request: Table saw or mitre saw/chopsaw (Fremont) Expired As long as it works or is repairable I'll take it.
Request: Camera (Fremont) Received As long as the pictures come out looking good then i'm happy.