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Free: dome-style fluorescent light fitting (Pittville GL50) This item has been replaced by a LED fitting so now surplus to requirements. The fitting is OK but flu tube has died; included with fitting so you know what the replacement should look like!
Photo of free dome-style fluorescent light fitting (Pittville GL50) #1
Photo of free dome-style fluorescent light fitting (Pittville GL50) #2
Free: kitchen mixer tap brand new (Pittville GL50) Gifted This has been hanging about in its box for some time - I think we got it included when we bought a kitchen sink, but we wanted a different shape of tap so put it aside.
Photo of free kitchen mixer tap brand new (Pittville GL50) #1
Free: 230V Dome light for wall or ceiling mounting (Pittville GL50) Gifted White bulkhead mount light with opal diffuser, 230V. Suitable for ceiling or wall mounting. Takes a fluorescent lamp; the one in it has died, but is included to show the correct size for replacement. Needs to be fitted by a qualified electrician.
Photo of free 230V Dome light for wall or ceiling mounting (Pittville GL50) #1
Photo of free 230V Dome light for wall or ceiling mounting (Pittville GL50) #2
Free: Braun stick blender 300W (Pittville GL50) Gifted White Braun stick blender, 230V, 300W. Has served me well for many years, but now going out because I've replaced it with a more powerful one.
Photo of free Braun stick blender 300W (Pittville GL50) #1
Photo of free Braun stick blender 300W (Pittville GL50) #2
Free: Legrand electrical modules (Pittville GL50) Expired Miscellaneous 230V LeGrand electrical modules from a long-abandoned project. Lamps, switches, contactors, sensors, plus a frame to hold several modules. Frame is damaged in places but may be repairable.
Photo of free Legrand electrical modules (Pittville GL50) #1
Photo of free Legrand electrical modules (Pittville GL50) #2
Photo of free Legrand electrical modules (Pittville GL50) #3
Photo of free Legrand electrical modules (Pittville GL50) #4
+8 +7 +6
Free: USB webcams (Pittville GL50) Gifted Webcam with built-in microphone, mini stand and USB lead. The stand can be clamped to the top of a screen. The camera has LEDs that can be adjusted for brightness. 3rd picture shows screenshot using the webcam. Webcam with stand that can also be opened as a clamp. No microphone, manual focus using lens ring. 6th picture is screenshot using this camera.
Photo of free USB webcams (Pittville GL50) #1
Photo of free USB webcams (Pittville GL50) #2
Photo of free USB webcams (Pittville GL50) #3
Photo of free USB webcams (Pittville GL50) #4
+4 +3 +2
Free: 2x2 slide viewer (Pittville GL50) Gifted Photo Solar 2x2 battery-powered slide viewer. In good condition, needs 3 off C size cells to run. With original box.
Photo of free 2x2 slide viewer (Pittville GL50) #1
Photo of free 2x2 slide viewer (Pittville GL50) #2
Photo of free 2x2 slide viewer (Pittville GL50) #3
Free: rotary clothes line (Pittville GL50) Gifted Rotary clothes line with cover. The ground socket has been recovered from the earth when our lawn was re-laid, so it looks a bit grubby but the pole still fits it.
Free: very old iMac, disc wiped, will not boot up (Pittville GL50) Gifted iMac model A1076, 2005. Was happily running Mac OS Tiger, 10.4.11 before internal hard disc was fully erased to protect security of previous owner. Would be possible to get it running again if a Tiger full install disc could be found. Otherwise, suitable only for parts or as decoration :-)
Photo of free very old iMac, disc wiped, will not boot up (Pittville GL50) #1
Free: floor-standing fan (Pittville GL50) Gifted In good working order with 3 speeds and swivel feature. Joint between fan unit and pole stand is a bit loose and wonky.
Photo of free floor-standing fan (Pittville GL50) #1
Free: Framed art works (Pittville GL50) Gifted 2 different art works mounted in frames, with glass. (1) The Old Moat by Robert Greenhalf, Etching #46 of edition of 150. Frame 535mm x 520mm (2) Felted abstract mixed-media. Frame 375mm x 440mm
Photo of free Framed art works (Pittville GL50) #1
Photo of free Framed art works (Pittville GL50) #2
Free: Orthopaedic soft cushion in a carrying bag (Pittville GL50) Gifted This is a soft cushion in a carrying bag. Useful if you find sitting on hard seats uncomfortable.
Photo of free Orthopaedic soft cushion in a carrying bag (Pittville GL50) #1
Free: car booster seat for a child (Pittville GL50) Gifted This is a simple booster seat which can be used in any car. It does not connect to the car or the seatbelt, it just raises the child and allows the seatbelt to fit better.
Photo of free car booster seat for a child (Pittville GL50) #1
Free: swivel car seat pad (Pittville GL50) Gifted This is a swivelling pad for use in a car seat. It allows you to sit down facing sideways with your legs out of the door and then swivel in to face forwards.
Photo of free swivel car seat pad (Pittville GL50) #1
Free: digital alarm clock (Pittville GL50) Gifted Hanimex digital alarm clock, mains powered.
Photo of free digital alarm clock (Pittville GL50) #1
Free: toilet cistern parts (Pittville GL50) Gifted These toilet cistern parts came with a replacement cistern, but were not needed. I now have one person wishing to take them, but I will not mark at taken until they have actually been collected.
Photo of free toilet cistern parts (Pittville GL50) #1
Free: 2 x 320GB external hard discs (Pittville GL50) Gifted 2 different external hard discs, both 320GB capacity. Iomega with power supply and USB lead; also has ethernet port for NAS use. ADATA with captive USB lead. Both currently formatted for Mac but can be re-formatted as required. I have received an offer to collect; I will mark as taken once actually collected.
Photo of free 2 x 320GB external hard discs (Pittville GL50) #1
Photo of free 2 x 320GB external hard discs (Pittville GL50) #2
Free: selection of outdated films (Pittville GL50) Gifted I have a selection of films ranging from old to very old, mainly B/W but a few colour. They were originally stored in a freezer from new, but a few years ago were moved to room-temperature storage, so will no longer be in good condition. They might be of interest to a student or someone who wants to experiment.
Photo of free selection of outdated films (Pittville GL50) #1
Free: glazed wooden frame with cross-stitch/embroidery/tapestry (Pittville GL50) Gifted Floral design in cross-stitch/tapestry/embroidery professionally framed under glass. Overall size 485mm x 485mm.
Photo of free glazed wooden frame with cross-stitch/embroidery/tapestry (Pittville GL50) #1
Free: graph paper pads (Pittville GL50) Gifted Chartwell graph paper pads - about 30 in total of various styles: 2-cycle log x linear 4-cycle log x linear 8-cycle log x linear 1-cycle log x 1-cycle log 1-cycle log x 3-cycle log 3-cycle log x 2-cycle log 3-cycle log x 3-cycle log 4-cycle log x 2-cycle log 4-cycle log x 3-cycle log 4-cycle log x 5-cycle log 5-cycle log x 5-cycle log 3-cycle log x probability polar co-ordinates impedance A reactance Great for old-fashioned pencil and paper graph plotting, or maybe just scrap paper for notes or toddler scribbling
Photo of free graph paper pads (Pittville GL50) #1
Free: Blood Pressure monitor (Pittville GL50) Gifted We have had this for some years and it has always worked fine for us, but we have now bought a new model with extra functions, so this one is now surplus to our needs. It is approved by GPs for collecting BP measurements at home.
Photo of free Blood Pressure monitor (Pittville GL50) #1