A Members' Posts

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Free: Sauces (East End Toronto) All on the left are opened, the two on the right are closed. The opened have been in the fridge. All are expired.
Photo of free Sauces (East End Toronto) #1
Free: Milk 2% (East End Toronto) Gifted Expiry Jan. 16
Photo of free Milk 2% (East End Toronto) #1
Free: Kitty Litter Bin (East End Toronto) Withdrawn Good condition. Used but scrubbed clean. One break that is taped back together solidly.
Photo of free Kitty Litter Bin (East End Toronto) #1
Photo of free Kitty Litter Bin (East End Toronto) #2
Free: Ascent Yoga Magazine (East End Toronto) Gifted Collection of years of excellent yoga magazine from the early 2000s
Photo of free Ascent Yoga Magazine (East End Toronto) #1
Free: Futon (East End Toronto) Withdrawn Futon with wooden frame. Good condition. Older - 15 years? Works great!
Photo of free Futon (East End Toronto) #1
Free: Vet Cones (East End Toronto) Gifted For medium to large dogs.
Photo of free Vet Cones (East End Toronto) #1
Free: Groceries (East End Toronto) Gifted Grab bag, some expired. Two veggie stocks are opened.
Photo of free Groceries (East End Toronto) #1
Photo of free Groceries (East End Toronto) #2
Photo of free Groceries (East End Toronto) #3
Photo of free Groceries (East End Toronto) #4
+2 +1
Free: Cat food (East End Toronto) Gifted All unopened and not expired - except the bag expiry is Oct 2024.
Photo of free Cat food (East End Toronto) #1
Photo of free Cat food (East End Toronto) #2
Photo of free Cat food (East End Toronto) #3
Free: Contact Lens Solution (East End Toronto) Gifted Some opened, some sealed. All expired (2018 to 2023).
Photo of free Contact Lens Solution (East End Toronto) #1
Photo of free Contact Lens Solution (East End Toronto) #2
Request: Kitty Litter Bin (East End Toronto) Expired Looking for a gently used kitty litter bin. Also a soft grooming brush. Thank you!
Free: Desk (East End Toronto) Gifted Structube - great shape! Looking for a good home.
Photo of free Desk (East End Toronto) #1
Free: Vanilla Extract (East End Toronto) Gifted Three opened mostly full bottles. We can’t use them as they contain gluten and our family member was diagnosed as celiac.
Photo of free Vanilla Extract (East End Toronto) #1
Free: Food Box - Packaged (East End Toronto) Gifted Box of mixed packaged food. Many expired.
Photo of free Food Box - Packaged (East End Toronto) #1
Photo of free Food Box - Packaged (East End Toronto) #2
Free: Dog life jacket and back pack (East End Toronto) Expired Used but in good shape. Would love for these to go to a low income home in need.
Photo of free Dog life jacket and back pack (East End Toronto) #1
Free: Air Conditioner (East End Toronto) Gifted Heavy noisy big LG unit that works fine - 10k BTU? Want to go to a good home - not for scrap. Please let us know that. Thanks!
Free: Gluten Free Cookies (East End Toronto) Expired Our daughter has celiac and tried these but didn’t like them. Can someone use them? Would love for someone celiac and low income to have these.
Photo of free Gluten Free Cookies (East End Toronto) #1
Request: Leitz Paper Punch (East End Toronto) Expired Looking for a two hole punch for Leitz brand two hope binders. Thanks!
Photo of Leitz Paper Punch (East End Toronto) #1
Free: Kids Mobile Craft (East End Toronto) Expired All put together. Works great.
Photo of free Kids Mobile Craft (East End Toronto) #1
Free: Vintage New Men’s Shirt (East End Toronto) Gifted Original box. 17.5
Photo of free Vintage New Men’s Shirt (East End Toronto) #1
Free: IKEA Kids Stool (East End Toronto) Expired Good condition. Spins. Wobbles a bit. Some Stains.
Photo of free IKEA Kids Stool (East End Toronto) #1
Free: Dairy (East End Toronto) Gifted All best before. All unopened save half and half which is more than half full
Photo of free Dairy (East End Toronto) #1
Free: Bricks (East End Toronto) Expired About 20
Photo of free Bricks (East End Toronto) #1
Free: Dairy (East End Toronto) Gifted A dozen yogurts and one big whipped cream, all good
Photo of free Dairy (East End Toronto) #1
Photo of free Dairy (East End Toronto) #2
Free: IKEA Chair (needs upholestery) (East End Toronto) Gifted Hjlaton: Unlimited PS Chair by James Irvine. Needs the wicker redone. Great piece!
Photo of free IKEA Chair (needs upholestery) (East End Toronto) #1
Photo of free IKEA Chair (needs upholestery) (East End Toronto) #2
Free: LSAT prep books (East End Toronto) Gifted Free books from Examcrackers, Power Score and prep tests
Photo of free LSAT prep books (East End Toronto) #1
Free: Lysol Products (East End Toronto) Expired The cleaner has very low volume, the fabric seems full
Photo of free Lysol Products (East End Toronto) #1
Free: Spices (East End Toronto) Expired Fennel seed and whole celery seeds
Photo of free Spices (East End Toronto) #1
Free: Dog Food Scraps (East End Toronto) Expired Hi I wanted to test this out for a second try: we cook delicious vegan/vegetarian food and have scraps. We used to feed them to our dog but now have no dog sadly. Does anyone have a dog or strays they are feeding who would appreciate a tub now and again of delicious frozen scraps? I hate to waste food. Maybe this is too weird but thought I would try! :) Why should any dog go hungry?
Photo of free Dog Food Scraps (East End Toronto) #1
Free: Kids Desk (East End Toronto) Gifted 2 x 2 x 1.5. Was found used and repainted. Good condition.
Photo of free Kids Desk (East End Toronto) #1
Free: Cat wet food scraps (East End Toronto) Expired I have some full cans and some frozen leftovers from my cat who is a picky eater. Perhaps some strays or fosters can use?
Photo of free Cat wet food scraps (East End Toronto) #1