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Free: Sofa corner element (Llanishen, CF14) Withdrawn Very comfy, nice extra seat, good condition. Former corner part of sofa, we're still using the rest of it at the moment. Pet and smoke free home. Needs to go ASAP, vehicle needed.
Photo of free Sofa corner element (Llanishen, CF14) #1
Free: Two gardening tool bags (Llanishen, CF14) Gifted Dusty from use but plenty of life left. Happy for them to go separately.
Photo of free Two gardening tool bags (Llanishen, CF14) #1
Free: Several glasses (Llanishen, CF14) Gifted Five wine glasses (three matching), two pint glasses and a tumbler. Prefer them to go together but will split if necessary.
Photo of free Several glasses (Llanishen, CF14) #1
Free: Plasters (Llanishen, CF14) Gifted We have far too many! Mixture of waterproof and fabric, would prefer them to go as one lot.
Photo of free Plasters (Llanishen, CF14) #1
Free: Green People sunscreen (Llanishen, CF14) Gifted SPF 30, suitable for sensitive skin. Opened this year but not much used as there wasn't much of a summer!
Photo of free Green People sunscreen (Llanishen, CF14) #1
Photo of free Green People sunscreen (Llanishen, CF14) #2
Free: 40cm wall mounted planter (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) Gifted Never used. Comes with coir liner but no screws. Semi-circular.
Photo of free 40cm wall mounted planter (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) #1
Free: Sun lounger (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) Gifted Used but loads of life left, got as part of a job lot from another Freecycler but never used. Please adopt otherwise it's heading to the tip. Chickens not included. 🙂
Photo of free Sun lounger (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) #1
Request: Large water butt (Llanishen, CF14) Expired 200 litre water butt please so I can keep my plants happy. 🙂 Stand and diverter kit not needed thanks.
Request: Large water butt (Llanishen, CF14) Expired 200 litre water butt please so I can keep my plants happy. 🙂 Stand and diverter kit not needed thanks.
Free: 40cm wall mounted planter (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) Expired Never used. Comes with coir liner but no screws. Semi-circular.
Photo of free 40cm wall mounted planter (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) #1
Request: Take away tubs with lids (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) Received Rectangular with matching lids. Thanks!
Free: Car breakdown warning triangle (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) Gifted Never used! Triangle still in plastic sleeve.
Photo of free Car breakdown warning triangle (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) #1
Free: Mirror (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) Gifted Good condition, dusty from storage. About 1.18m high and 0.45m wide.
Photo of free Mirror (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) #1
Free: Ice packs (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) Gifted Four ice packs. Work well, just have too many! Happy to split but they all need to go.
Photo of free Ice packs (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) #1
Free: Two wall mirrors (Llanishen, CF14) Gifted Large one 45cm x 60cm, small one 30cm x 45cm. Large one has slight damage to the silvering but still perfectly useable. Happy to split.
Photo of free Two wall mirrors (Llanishen, CF14) #1
Photo of free Two wall mirrors (Llanishen, CF14) #2
Photo of free Two wall mirrors (Llanishen, CF14) #3
Free: Microfibre "brush" (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) Expired E-Cloth microfibre indoor "brush" with extendable handle and spare cloth (not pictured). Dusty from storage.
Photo of free Microfibre "brush" (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) #1
Request: Large water butt (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) Expired 200 litre water butt please so I can keep my plants happy. 🙂 Stand, lid and diverter kit not needed thanks.
Request: Small dumbbells/yoga weights (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) Received Ideally 1kg, any colour as long as they're in good condition. To help rehab my shoulder and develop my Pilates.
Free: Shampoo bars (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) Gifted Given to me to try but never did! The flower ones have been lightly used, no idea what type they are. Happy to split.
Photo of free Shampoo bars (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) #1
Free: Microfibre "brush" (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) Expired E-Cloth microfibre indoor "brush" with extendable handle and spare cloth (not pictured). Dusty from storage.
Photo of free Microfibre "brush" (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) #1
Free: Paving stones (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) Gifted Variety of paving stones, good for allotment or garden stepping stones. Herbs not included but you're welcome to the brick. 🙂
Photo of free Paving stones (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) #1
Free: Paving stones (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) Gifted Variety of paving stones, good for allotment or garden. Herbs not included but you're welcome to the brick. 🙂
Photo of free Paving stones (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) #1
Free: Pipe coil: plant protection (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) Gifted Estimated 15.5m of pipe, good for cutting into smaller pieces for tunnel to protect veggies.
Photo of free Pipe coil: plant protection (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) #1
Free: 7 bits white pipe: plant protection (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) Gifted Seven pieces of white plastic pipe, great for protective tunnel over veggies.
Photo of free 7 bits white pipe: plant protection (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) #1
Free: 4 bits of pipe: plant protection (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) Gifted Four pieces of yellow pipe, great for forming protective fleece tunnels over veggies.
Photo of free 4 bits of pipe: plant protection (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) #1
Free: Two wall mirrors (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) Expired Large one 45cm x 60cm, small one 30cm x 45cm. Large one has slight damage to the silvering but still perfectly useable. Happy to split.
Photo of free Two wall mirrors (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) #1
Photo of free Two wall mirrors (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) #2
Photo of free Two wall mirrors (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) #3
Free: Glass worktop savers (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) Gifted Two glass worktop savers 50cm x 40cm used but in great condition; we just don't use them anymore. Glass slightly textured on one side. One has three "feet", the other has none but doesn't affect use. Happy to split.
Photo of free Glass worktop savers (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) #1
Photo of free Glass worktop savers (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) #2
Photo of free Glass worktop savers (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) #3
Free: Dyson hoover (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) Gifted Dyson hoover with all tools. Elderly and noisy but works fine. Swift collection appreciated.
Photo of free Dyson hoover (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) #1
Free: Duop microfibre floor/wall/window (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) Gifted Extendable handle for cleaning floors, walls and windows. Never used, dusty from storage. One cloth.
Photo of free Duop microfibre floor/wall/window (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) #1
Photo of free Duop microfibre floor/wall/window (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) #2
Photo of free Duop microfibre floor/wall/window (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) #3
Free: 9V rechargeable batteries (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) Gifted Four available, happy to split. We no longer have a charger for these so can't test them.
Photo of free 9V rechargeable batteries (Llanishen, Cardiff CF14) #1