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Free: keyboard - mouse - dvd (Blackpool FY1) All good and I don't think I ever used the Keyboard. As new.
Photo of free keyboard - mouse - dvd (Blackpool FY1) #1
Photo of free keyboard - mouse - dvd (Blackpool FY1) #2
Free: 30 Bottle WINE RACK (Blackpool FY1) Gifted Bucket is there for scale. Blackpool Pick Up.
Photo of free 30 Bottle WINE RACK (Blackpool FY1) #1
Photo of free 30 Bottle WINE RACK (Blackpool FY1) #2
Photo of free 30 Bottle WINE RACK (Blackpool FY1) #3
Request: OLD BOTTLES & Stoneware Items. (Blackpool FY1) Received If anyone has any old bottles and doesn't really need them, I am a collector and like to display them as a collection on shelves. I would love to receive any gift of Bottles and am happy to travel to collect them. Also smaller Pot Lids with print on, as seen in one of the pictures. Thank you.
Photo of OLD BOTTLES & Stoneware Items. (Blackpool FY1) #1
Photo of OLD BOTTLES & Stoneware Items. (Blackpool FY1) #2
Photo of OLD BOTTLES & Stoneware Items. (Blackpool FY1) #3
Photo of OLD BOTTLES & Stoneware Items. (Blackpool FY1) #4
+3 +2 +1
Free: Single BAR STOOL (Blackpool FY1) Gifted - Chrome with Wooden Seat. Good Condition.
Photo of free Single BAR STOOL (Blackpool FY1) #1
Photo of free Single BAR STOOL (Blackpool FY1) #2
Photo of free Single BAR STOOL (Blackpool FY1) #3
Free: aiwa video recorder & leads (Blackpool FY1) Gifted As seen on pictures the power works. It has been stored in the attic for several years. It worked perfect when put up there. I have not run a video tape through it. I would advise to use an old video cassette when first trying it out. Pick up from Blackpool
Photo of free aiwa video recorder & leads (Blackpool FY1) #1
Photo of free aiwa video recorder & leads (Blackpool FY1) #2
Photo of free aiwa video recorder & leads (Blackpool FY1) #3
Photo of free aiwa video recorder & leads (Blackpool FY1) #4
+2 +1
Free: tv & video wall bracket (Blackpool FY1) Expired The usual Video size. Rusty to the rear where it fixes to wall. But absolutely fine.
Photo of free tv & video wall bracket (Blackpool FY1) #1
Photo of free tv & video wall bracket (Blackpool FY1) #2
Photo of free tv & video wall bracket (Blackpool FY1) #3
Photo of free tv & video wall bracket (Blackpool FY1) #4
+3 +2 +1
Free: GREY SLATE with Mixed Garden Soil (Blackpool FY1) Gifted Around 6-7 bags full. Very handy if you need both Slate and clean Garden Soil. Blackpool collection
Photo of free GREY SLATE with Mixed Garden Soil (Blackpool FY1) #1
Free: Wide IRONING BOARD with Cover. (Blackpool FY1) Expired Where the iron would sit, the wood has chipped off and theres a small area torn at that end. The cover is nice and thick and probably cost more than the Ironing Board.
Photo of free Wide IRONING BOARD with Cover. (Blackpool FY1) #1
Photo of free Wide IRONING BOARD with Cover. (Blackpool FY1) #2
Photo of free Wide IRONING BOARD with Cover. (Blackpool FY1) #3
Photo of free Wide IRONING BOARD with Cover. (Blackpool FY1) #4
+5 +4 +3
Request: alluminium ladders (Blackpool FY1) Received It is a big ask and I don't expect anyone will be gifting some ladders but I thought I'd give it a try anyway. I have the outside of the property to paint and also the bricks to protect, but obviously need large ladders to do so. I'd really appreciate it if someone has some that they no longer need and would like to gift them to someone who really does need some. :)
Free: Video, Papers, Cds or Shelves etc (Blackpool FY1) Gifted Solid Mahogany... could be turned on its side for a further shelf idea. In great unmarked condition. 36" tall.
Photo of free Video, Papers, Cds or Shelves etc (Blackpool FY1) #1
Photo of free Video, Papers, Cds or Shelves etc (Blackpool FY1) #2
Photo of free Video, Papers, Cds or Shelves etc (Blackpool FY1) #3
Request: Small Interesting Collectibles for Wildlife Rescue (Blackpool FY1) Expired Anything small and interesting, preferably older. The older the better. We are asking for items, so that we can 'move them on' to raise funds to help cover the costs of food and medications for Pixies Wildlife Rescue. It does get rather costly around now and moving forwards, as many birds, usually small chicks are brought to the rescue. Thank you
Request: SMALL BOXES - around shoebox size and smaller ALWAYS (Blackpool FY1) Received I sell a lot of small collectibles to raise funds for Pixies Wildlife Rescue and I am always struggling for the smaller boxes. Without them I have to pack in boxes that cost more to send and need more bubble wrap (also always needed) and packaging materials etc. So, if you have a few small boxes saved for whatever reason and you don't really need them, I can put them to very good use, thank you. :)
Photo of SMALL BOXES - around shoebox size and smaller ALWAYS (Blackpool FY1) #1
Request: hand pump sprayer (Blackpool FY1) Received Does anyone have a Hand Pump Sprayer that they are not likely to use. The sort that you spray weeds with. I could really make use of one and would appreciate it if someone would kindly gift it to me. I am happy to come and pick it up from anywhere on the Fylde, thank you.
Request: 3" x 2" WOOD (Blackpool FY1) Expired If you are getting rid of any, or have even seen any in a skip in the last day or so, I could really put it to good use and would appreciate a quick response. Longish lengths needed up to 8 foot long. It can be old wood full of nails, as I can remove them. The wood is for studding out interior walls and buying this new would cost a small fortune. Thank you
Request: plastic milk crates (Blackpool FY1) Received I wonder if someone has any Plastic Milk Crates gathering dust. I could make use of around 5, although one would be useful for now. Blackpool only please and I can pick up anytime. Thank you
Photo of plastic milk crates (Blackpool FY1) #1