A Members' Posts

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Offers   Requests
Request: Bookcase (Loughborough LE11) Looking for a small wooden bookcase. Any considered. Thsnks
Free: Two fan heaters (Loughborough LE11) Gifted White
Photo of free Two fan heaters (Loughborough LE11) #1
Request: Dog ramp (Loughborough LE11) Big enough for retriever to get into the boot of the car
Free: Small folding camera tripod (Loughborough LE11) Gifted Black metal
Photo of free Small folding camera tripod (Loughborough LE11) #1
Photo of free Small folding camera tripod (Loughborough LE11) #2
Request: Dumbbell weights (Loughborough LE11) Looking for a pair of 4 kg, a pair of 6 kg and a single 8 kg if anyone has any to gift. Thank you.
Free: Raised toilet seat and handles (Loughborough LE11) Gifted White
Photo of free Raised toilet seat and handles (Loughborough LE11) #1
Free: Large tv stand (Loughborough LE11) Gifted Black glass with shelf
Photo of free Large tv stand (Loughborough LE11) #1
Free: Video player (Loughborough LE11) Gifted Hasn’t been used for a while but was working
Photo of free Video player (Loughborough LE11) #1
Free: Boxes for moving (Loughborough LE11) Gifted A good number of medium and small (book) boxes for house move
Photo of free Boxes for moving (Loughborough LE11) #1
Free: Glass tv stand (Loughborough LE11) Expired Black glas with shelves large
Photo of free Glass tv stand (Loughborough LE11) #1
Free: Coathangers (Loughborough LE11) Expired Plastic various styles
Photo of free Coathangers (Loughborough LE11) #1
Free: Navy blue leather sofa 3 seater (Loughborough LE11) Expired Good condition. Very comfortable. Arms can come off for transportation.
Photo of free Navy blue leather sofa 3 seater (Loughborough LE11) #1
Free: Two dark nest of tables (Loughborough LE11) Expired Only two tables not three. Not bad condition but paint mark on larger so could do with tlc
Photo of free Two dark nest of tables (Loughborough LE11) #1
Free: Collectable dolls large (four) (Loughborough LE11) Gifted Large porcelain dolls intricate clothing with lace, drawers, bonnets and boots etc. Dusty. At least 50 years old.
Free: Vintage dolls in national costume (Loughborough LE11) Gifted About 25 various styles and sizes. Dusty but could be cleaned.
Photo of free Vintage dolls in national costume (Loughborough LE11) #1
Free: Glass lampshade (Loughborough LE11) Gifted Translucent white and orange glass pendent. Lampshade
Photo of free Glass lampshade (Loughborough LE11) #1
Free: Two painted wooden chairs (Loughborough LE11) Gifted Wood painted white. Shabby chic. Padded seat. Could be upcycled.
Photo of free Two painted wooden chairs (Loughborough LE11) #1
Free: Phone plus extension (Loughborough LE11) Gifted 2 black phones, 2 black charging stands, programmable,
Photo of free Phone plus extension (Loughborough LE11) #1
Free: BT phone large numbers (Loughborough LE11) Gifted Cream for visually and hearing impaired and elderly
Photo of free BT phone large numbers (Loughborough LE11) #1
Free: Kettle (Loughborough LE11) Gifted White ambiano
Photo of free Kettle (Loughborough LE11) #1
Free: Sony speaker iphone (Loughborough LE11) Gifted Black sony
Photo of free Sony speaker iphone (Loughborough LE11) #1
Free: Fire stuff and fuel (Loughborough LE11) Gifted Basket for wood, coal scuttle, four piece fire implement set silver colour, small amount of fuel (coal, kindling)
Photo of free Fire stuff and fuel (Loughborough LE11) #1
Free: Old metal baking trays (Loughborough LE11) Expired Well used and much of the Teflon has gone, so a bit rusty.
Free: Iron and ironing board (Loughborough LE11) Gifted Not been used for a while. Needs a clean. Ironing board without cover as seen.
Photo of free Iron and ironing board (Loughborough LE11) #1
Photo of free Iron and ironing board (Loughborough LE11) #2
Photo of free Iron and ironing board (Loughborough LE11) #3
Free: Old green le crueset saucepans (Loughborough LE11) Gifted Green, one large saucepan with lid, one small saucepan with lid, very large frying pan. These are 25 years old but go on forever. In need of a good clean (soak) and the wooden handles of the saucepans are burnt. They wood only covers the metal and can be replaced, they won’t actually break. Very heavy.
Photo of free Old green le crueset saucepans (Loughborough LE11) #1
Free: Epsom printer working (Loughborough LE11) Gifted Epsom XP 205 working
Photo of free Epsom printer working (Loughborough LE11) #1
Free: Gramophone records ( I think!) (Loughborough LE11) Gifted A stack of gramophone records 2 sizes. Collectors item
Photo of free Gramophone records ( I think!) (Loughborough LE11) #1
Free: Old cd radio tape machine (Loughborough LE11) Gifted Dusty, still working, not great sound quality
Photo of free Old cd radio tape machine (Loughborough LE11) #1
Free: Hi Fi system working (Loughborough LE11) Gifted Working but no speakers
Photo of free Hi Fi system working (Loughborough LE11) #1
Free: Slide projector and slide carriages (Loughborough LE11) Gifted Leica slide projector for 35 Mm slides 2 boxes and a number of slide carriages
Photo of free Slide projector and slide carriages (Loughborough LE11) #1
Photo of free Slide projector and slide carriages (Loughborough LE11) #2
Photo of free Slide projector and slide carriages (Loughborough LE11) #3