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Free: Babies, toddler bibs (Hereford City Centre) Gifted 10 in total, 2 with sleeves, 2 full length, 6 triangle bibs. Looked crunched up as they've been squashed in a draw at nanny's house . They need a hot wash. Hate to throw away if they'll be useful?
Photo of free Babies, toddler bibs (Hereford City Centre) #1
Request: Puzzle Board (Hereford City Centre) Received Has anyone got a puzzle board they no longer use or require?To work on puzzles up to 1000 pieces. Ideally it would fold away to be opened again to continue putting the puzzle together. Just a thought for someone starting to do puzzles. Thanks in advance.
Free: Wood, for outdoor fire or burner (Hereford City Centre) Gifted Collection of wood, majority planks but some solid tree trunk shapes too in wooden dilapidated planter. Hereford Central area behind County hospital.
Photo of free Wood, for outdoor fire or burner (Hereford City Centre) #1
Photo of free Wood, for outdoor fire or burner (Hereford City Centre) #2
Free: Cars, diggers, car transporter etc (Hereford City Centre) Gifted Outdoor toys used in sandpit & garden. Lots of fun but fully outgrown now. Faded colours due to being outside.
Photo of free Cars, diggers, car transporter etc (Hereford City Centre) #1
Photo of free Cars, diggers, car transporter etc (Hereford City Centre) #2
Free: Spider plants (Hereford City Centre) Gifted The Spider plants are still on the main plant. I can give you pots but you will need to supply your own soil/potting compost.
Free: Cardboard envalopes etc (Hereford City Centre) Gifted A number of large cardboard envalopes & brown wrapping paper, used but with no stickers or info on them. Near County Hosp, Hereford.
Photo of free Cardboard envalopes etc (Hereford City Centre) #1
Free: Garden table, benches & chairs (Hereford City Centre) Gifted Table & 2 benches & 2 chairs will seat up to 6-8. Table top only requires 2 new top boards. Solid, heavy furniture poorly painted on the top. Needs renovating.
Photo of free Garden table, benches & chairs (Hereford City Centre) #1
Photo of free Garden table, benches & chairs (Hereford City Centre) #2
Photo of free Garden table, benches & chairs (Hereford City Centre) #3
Photo of free Garden table, benches & chairs (Hereford City Centre) #4
+4 +3 +2
Free: Garden pots, varying sizes (Hereford City Centre) Gifted Small & large garden pots ready for starting & transfering your seedlings into as they progress in size.
Photo of free Garden pots, varying sizes (Hereford City Centre) #1
Free: Ceramic floor tiles (Hereford City Centre) Gifted Approximately 14 ceramic unused tiles. Maybe useful for making small art projects etc.
Photo of free Ceramic floor tiles (Hereford City Centre) #1
Photo of free Ceramic floor tiles (Hereford City Centre) #2
Free: Bread making machine (Hereford City Centre) Gifted Morphy Richards, silver & black bread maker, see photos. Asked by friend to put on recycle as never used anymore. Working when last used but has not been used for years.
Photo of free Bread making machine (Hereford City Centre) #1
Photo of free Bread making machine (Hereford City Centre) #2
Photo of free Bread making machine (Hereford City Centre) #3
Free: Cordless ansewerphone plus extras (Hereford City Centre) Gifted Answer phone & 2 further extension leads & cordless phones to use throughout the house. Binatone. Instruction booklet included with box.
Photo of free Cordless ansewerphone plus extras (Hereford City Centre) #1
Photo of free Cordless ansewerphone plus extras (Hereford City Centre) #2
Photo of free Cordless ansewerphone plus extras (Hereford City Centre) #3
Photo of free Cordless ansewerphone plus extras (Hereford City Centre) #4
+2 +1
Free: Child cupboard locks (Hereford City Centre) Gifted Plastic hooks & screws still in bag to secure any cupboards that you do not want your toddler to get into. Easy to fit.
Photo of free Child cupboard locks (Hereford City Centre) #1
Photo of free Child cupboard locks (Hereford City Centre) #2
Photo of free Child cupboard locks (Hereford City Centre) #3
Free: Birthday board - never forget again (Hereford City Centre) Gifted New, never put together. All months written on board, everything still in packet to hang all the birthdays under each appropriate month. String & metal pieces enclosed to attach each persons name & date of their birthday to see visibly each month. I never got around to attaching the names & birthdays unlike my daughter who finds her board invaluable.
Photo of free Birthday board - never forget again (Hereford City Centre) #1
Photo of free Birthday board - never forget again (Hereford City Centre) #2
Photo of free Birthday board - never forget again (Hereford City Centre) #3
Free: Bread making machine (Hereford City Centre) Gifted Tower, silver & black, see photos. Asked by friend to put on recycle as never used anymore. Working when last used but has not been used for years.
Photo of free Bread making machine (Hereford City Centre) #1
Photo of free Bread making machine (Hereford City Centre) #2
Photo of free Bread making machine (Hereford City Centre) #3
Free: Dried teasils (Hereford City Centre) Gifted Dried teasils available to use in dried flower arrangements or can be sprayed gold or silver for festive decorations.
Free: Garden bench (Hereford City Centre) Gifted Solid cast iron frame but some wood planks need replacing as I did not weather proof them. You should be able to dismantle it for transportation. Collection asap. Behind County Hospital, Hereford
Photo of free Garden bench (Hereford City Centre) #1
Photo of free Garden bench (Hereford City Centre) #2
Free: Seedling pots & larger pots (Hereford City Centre) Gifted Assortment of flower & vegetable pots for seedlings & for repotting. Collection behind County hospital.
Photo of free Seedling pots & larger pots (Hereford City Centre) #1
Photo of free Seedling pots & larger pots (Hereford City Centre) #2
Free: 2 black plastic stands (Hereford City Centre) Gifted Requires shelves, I used square trays or baskets. Great for inside or outside.
Photo of free 2 black plastic stands (Hereford City Centre) #1
Photo of free 2 black plastic stands (Hereford City Centre) #2
Request: Hand held Manuel garden shears (Hereford City Centre) Received Any size please & I realise they may need sharpening. Thank you.
Free: Large paint trays (Hereford City Centre) Gifted I've a number of clean large paint trays. If you want 2 or less pick up from behind County Hospital.
Photo of free Large paint trays (Hereford City Centre) #1
Free: Toddler, child cups & plates (Hereford City Centre) Gifted 3 Plastic cups & 2 plastic plates, maybe useful when at grandparents 👌
Photo of free Toddler, child cups & plates (Hereford City Centre) #1
Photo of free Toddler, child cups & plates (Hereford City Centre) #2
Free: Strong package envalopes (Hereford City Centre) Gifted 10 used but strong & tidy A4 & A3 envelopes useful for anyone sending goods via post or courier. See photo.
Photo of free Strong package envalopes (Hereford City Centre) #1
Free: Children's bikes x 2 (Hereford City Centre) Gifted Calling Granddad's & entrepreneurs to up cycle these 2 solid bikes that need an MOT work better. (Left outside over the winter 🥺).
Photo of free Children's bikes x 2 (Hereford City Centre) #1
Photo of free Children's bikes x 2 (Hereford City Centre) #2
Free: Child's scooter helmet ++ (Hereford City Centre) Gifted Child's blue helmet with knee & elbow protectors for use when on child's scooter (collect behind County Hospital).
Photo of free Child's scooter helmet ++ (Hereford City Centre) #1
Free: Booster seat (Hereford City Centre) Gifted Good condition booster seat for car with seat belt or can be used at the table, providing a secure strap is attached. Pink seat attached with velcro for washing.
Photo of free Booster seat (Hereford City Centre) #1
Free: Garden slates x 5 containers (Hereford City Centre) Gifted 5 containers of garden slates are more than I required! You can use them to prevent weeds between plants or create a decorative area in the garden . They also stay securely in the desired location and you'll have a unique and functional addition to your garden.
Free: Garden slates x 5 containers (Hereford City Centre) Gifted Repurposing broken garden slates is a great idea between plants to prevent weeds or create a decorative garden pathway. Just arrange them creatively & you have a functional addition to your garden.
Photo of free Garden slates x 5 containers (Hereford City Centre) #1
Free: Children's bikes x 2 (Hereford City Centre) Gifted Calling Granddad's & entrepreneurs to up cycle these 2 solid bikes that need an up cycle & MOT to look & work better. (Left outside over the winter mk 🥺).
Photo of free Children's bikes x 2 (Hereford City Centre) #1
Photo of free Children's bikes x 2 (Hereford City Centre) #2
Free: Child's scooter (Hereford City Centre) Gifted Colour change as they've been out all winter. Wheels fine. Behind County Hospital.
Photo of free Child's scooter (Hereford City Centre) #1
Photo of free Child's scooter (Hereford City Centre) #2
Free: Child's scooter, child's trolley (Hereford City Centre) Gifted Been out all winter but working fine. Behind County Hospital.
Photo of free Child's scooter, child's trolley (Hereford City Centre) #1
Photo of free Child's scooter, child's trolley (Hereford City Centre) #2