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Free: end cushions (Comeytrowe TA1) Withdrawn 2 shaped sofa end cushions from a Marks & Spencer sofa.
Photo of free end cushions (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Photo of free end cushions (Comeytrowe TA1) #2
Free: weight lifting gloves (Comeytrowe TA1) Withdrawn Weight lifting/training gloves. Although washed still look a bit grubby.
Photo of free weight lifting gloves (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Free: bath mat (Comeytrowe TA1) Withdrawn Bath mat.
Photo of free bath mat (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Free: Cables/Power Point Plugs (Comeytrowe TA1) Gifted Collection of cables & Power Point Plugs.
Photo of free Cables/Power Point Plugs (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Free: bed linen, single quilt & bath mat (Comeytrowe TA1) Gifted Blue stripe quilt cover & matching pillow covers & quilt are not best quality but the other items are OK.
Photo of free bed linen, single quilt & bath mat (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Photo of free bed linen, single quilt & bath mat (Comeytrowe TA1) #2
Free: petrol can nozzel (Comeytrowe TA1) Gifted Not sure if it needs a plastic/rubber washer to secure it to a petrol can to stop any leakage.
Photo of free petrol can nozzel (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Free: material (Comeytrowe TA1) Withdrawn One curtain, not a pair. Suitable as material.
Photo of free material (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Free: sharp boom box (Comeytrowe TA1) Withdrawn Radio & Cassette still work but please note - CD player no longer works & no antenna (radio works without antenna).
Photo of free sharp boom box (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Photo of free sharp boom box (Comeytrowe TA1) #2
Free: bubble & foam wrap (Comeytrowe TA1) Gifted Bubble & Foam wrap for packaging.
Photo of free bubble & foam wrap (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Free: sleeping bag (Comeytrowe TA1) Gifted Sleeping bag with hood.
Photo of free sleeping bag (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Photo of free sleeping bag (Comeytrowe TA1) #2
Free: lamp shade (Comeytrowe TA1) Gifted Small lamp shade, never used, 7.5inches. Small dent one side as shown in picture.
Photo of free lamp shade (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Photo of free lamp shade (Comeytrowe TA1) #2
Free: cables (Comeytrowe TA1) Gifted Cables, scart leads, adapters, computer cables & some mobile phone chargers/cables.
Photo of free cables (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Free: Wheels (Comeytrowe TA1) Gifted 4 small wheels.
Photo of free Wheels (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Free: suit protectors (Comeytrowe TA1) Gifted 4 M&S Suit Protectors/Bags. One has broken zip.
Photo of free suit protectors (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Free: Kindling/Sticks (Comeytrowe TA1) Expired Kindling/sticks collected during the year, dry.
Photo of free Kindling/Sticks (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Free: pasta bowls (Comeytrowe TA1) Expired 5 Pasta Bowls.
Photo of free pasta bowls (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Free: Bed Linen/Material (Comeytrowe TA1) Gifted Double quilt cover, double sheet & Childrens single bed duvet cover with pillow case.
Photo of free Bed Linen/Material (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Free: HAY (Comeytrowe TA1) Gifted 3 bags of hay which had been used as packaging.
Photo of free HAY (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Free: downfall game (Comeytrowe TA1) Gifted Downfall game.
Photo of free downfall game (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Free: footstool (Comeytrowe TA1) Gifted Footstool, 15inches high x 25inches long.
Photo of free footstool (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Photo of free footstool (Comeytrowe TA1) #2
Photo of free footstool (Comeytrowe TA1) #3
Free: thomas jigsaws, book & tots tv jigsaw (Comeytrowe TA1) Gifted Thomas Jigsaws, Thomas Book (only 1 train figure with book, unable to locate the others), Tots TV Jigsaw. Boxes a bit tatty but jigsaws good. Book is a bit on the tatty side.
Photo of free thomas jigsaws, book & tots tv jigsaw (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Free: DOLL - Casey Doll Horse Riding Accessories (Comeytrowe TA1) Expired Casey Doll Horse Riding Accessories, not a complete set,a few bits missing.
Photo of free DOLL - Casey Doll Horse Riding Accessories (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Free: disney videos & others (Comeytrowe TA1) Gifted A collection of Disney & other videos. Unsure of quality as these have not been played for a good while.
Photo of free disney videos & others (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Free: macdonalds toy - toy story alien (Comeytrowe TA1) Gifted Small MacDonalds toy from a Happy Meal - Toy Story Alien.
Photo of free macdonalds toy - toy story alien (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Free: bag with wheels (Comeytrowe TA1) Gifted 2 pull along shopping bags with wheels, fold up as in photo.
Photo of free bag with wheels (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Free: bubble wrap & foam pieces (Comeytrowe TA1) Expired 2 large bags of Bubble Wrap & a bag of Foam Pieces suitable for packaging.
Photo of free bubble wrap & foam pieces (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Free: halloween outfit & bits (Comeytrowe TA1) Expired Outfit would fit 6-7 year old.
Photo of free halloween outfit & bits (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Free: build a bear slippers (Comeytrowe TA1) Expired Originally purchased from 'Bear Factory'.
Photo of free build a bear slippers (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Free: teddy's england shirt (Comeytrowe TA1) Expired Would fit a small sized bear.
Photo of free teddy's england shirt (Comeytrowe TA1) #1
Free: rollator/walker (Comeytrowe TA1) Gifted Old but still useable.
Photo of free rollator/walker (Comeytrowe TA1) #1