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Free: Dog Harness... No Lead (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Gifted For Medium sized dog.. No Lead. I just the harness. Pls say when you can pickup when responding.
Photo of free Dog Harness... No Lead (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #1
Free: BOOK - Citadel by Kate Moss (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Please say when you can collect when responding.
Photo of free BOOK - Citadel by Kate Moss (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #1
Free: 10" or 25cm small microwave plate (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) No microwave... It was rusty so went to the tip. This is the plate only!
Photo of free 10" or 25cm small microwave plate (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #1
Free: 10 packs unused hot drink lids (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Gifted Are these useful for anyone before we put them in recycling? The cups were used - but didn't need the lids! Fits the costco cup pictured
Photo of free 10 packs unused hot drink lids (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #1
Photo of free 10 packs unused hot drink lids (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #2
Free: 10" or 25cm small microwave plate (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Withdrawn No microwave... It was rusty. Plate only!
Photo of free 10" or 25cm small microwave plate (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #1
Free: 10 packs unused hot drink lids (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Withdrawn Lids only... They fit this cup from costco. Are these useful for anyone before we put them in recycling? The cups were used - but didn't need the lids!
Photo of free 10 packs unused hot drink lids (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #1
Photo of free 10 packs unused hot drink lids (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #2
Request: 2025 Diary book (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Expired Does anyone have a 2025 Diary going spare before I buy one end of this year? -- I have an elderly friend who would love a fairly good sized one as she prefers paper to online!
Free: 10 packs unused hot drink lids (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Expired Are these useful for anyone before we put them in recycling? The cups were used - but didn't need the lids! Fits the costco cup pictured
Photo of free 10 packs unused hot drink lids (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #1
Photo of free 10 packs unused hot drink lids (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #2
Free: Cd shelves... Without xtra shelves (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Gifted Can't t find the shelves... But if anyone can use this before I take it to the tip, pls let me know
Photo of free Cd shelves... Without xtra shelves (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #1
Photo of free Cd shelves... Without xtra shelves (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #2
Free: 3 hooded towels (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Gifted Three hooded child towels, 2 w panda print, one plain. A bit rough but very usable.
Photo of free 3 hooded towels (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #1
Free: Baby books - Jersey Farm (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Gifted Pls say when you can pick up
Photo of free Baby books - Jersey Farm (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #1
Free: Magenta velvet scrunchie (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Expired Pls say when you can pick up if responding
Photo of free Magenta velvet scrunchie (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #1
Free: Cuttings from climbing rose (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Gifted I've given my "heaven scent" climing rose a fall chop as its got too tall in the wind. If anyonefancies trying to start their own frim cuttings before i bin them pls let me know this weekend.
Photo of free Cuttings from climbing rose (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #1
Free: Parasol base (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Gifted VERY heavy!! Needs strong guy or help to lift. Bit dirty on the bottom so bring a newpaper for your car.
Photo of free Parasol base (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #1
Free: Well rooted vine cuttings (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Gifted Can't remember the name of this but its a small leafed vine for an indoor plant. I gave mine a chop. Cuttings are well rooted and ready for you to plant up.
Photo of free Well rooted vine cuttings (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #1
Free: Ajuga & indoor rooted vine slips (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Gifted Well rooted vine cuttings for you to put into your own container w dirt (inside only plant). Also a couple of clumps of lovely perennial ajuga which has sweet blue flower spikes in spring and spreads easily as a hardy ground cover the rest of the year. I am thinning mine out. Would love to exchange for any other flowering perennial but not required😊
Photo of free Ajuga & indoor rooted vine slips (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #1
Photo of free Ajuga & indoor rooted vine slips (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #2
Free: 2 children's puzzles - age 3+ (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Gifted Frozen and Paw Patrol. Posting for a neighbour. Pls say when you can pick up if requesting.
Photo of free 2 children's puzzles - age 3+ (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #1
Photo of free 2 children's puzzles - age 3+ (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #2
Free: Washable smiley facemasks (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Gifted New
Photo of free Washable smiley facemasks (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #1
Free: Thermal hat, new (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Gifted Black
Photo of free Thermal hat, new (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #1
Free: Act of kindness pack (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Gifted For elderly person, good info if a you or anyone else can use it?
Photo of free Act of kindness pack (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #1
Photo of free Act of kindness pack (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #2
Free: Glass fruit bowl (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Gifted 39cm x 12cm high. Recycled glass from Spain. Lovely but no longer fits in my space. Pls say when you can pick up if responding
Photo of free Glass fruit bowl (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #1
Photo of free Glass fruit bowl (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #2
Free: Play script... Wizard of Oz (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Gifted I have no idea where this came from... Can anyone use it before I toss it?
Photo of free Play script... Wizard of Oz (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #1
Request: 2024 Diary or lg calendar w squares (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Expired Hi - Does anyone still have a spare paper 2024 diary or large calendar w squares around the dates kicking around? I'm asking for a neurodivergent person who doesn't do well with online calendars! Am in Jersey Farm or surrounds for easy pickup. Thx!
Free: Old king sized duvet (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Gifted Well used polyester duvet, perhaps best for pet bedding?
Free: King sized mattress protector (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Gifted Well used but just washed
Free: Daewoo radio/casette/cd player (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Gifted Radio works fine. Cd has stopped working for me... Maybe someone else could fix that. Good for the garage?
Photo of free Daewoo radio/casette/cd player (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #1
Photo of free Daewoo radio/casette/cd player (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) #2
Free: Crossword books (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Gifted A few pages have been done but many puzzles still left to do
Free: Double fleece mattress protector (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Expired Pls let me know when you can pick up.
Free: Pair, light white tab top curtains (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Gifted Light voile type fabric. Could use a light bleach as have been in storage. But light and serviceable. Ceiling to floor 53cm x 84 cm for each.
Free: Double bed mattress protector (St Albans Jersey Farm AL4) Gifted Well used but clean.