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Request: green Wworths shopping bags (Campbell ACT) Withdrawn Wanted - a large number of the green Woolworths reusable shopping bags - as in photo. Need to assist an older person move home and they are strong enough for them to carry bulky items. Do you have any you no longer need - can pick up in Canberra region. Prefer free. Many thanks in advance.
Photo of green Wworths shopping bags (Campbell ACT) #1
Free: Cooking salt - 4kgs (Campbell ACT) Withdrawn Cooking salt - around 4 kgs. Out of date but never opened. Great for cleaning or general use. Located in north Canberra or can be delivered depending on where you are. Free.
Photo of free Cooking salt - 4kgs (Campbell ACT) #1
Request: Tea towels (Campbell ACT) Withdrawn Tea towels - cotton or linen - preloved and new - clean but used okay - lots needed for a community organisation. Any donations appreciated. Can pick up in the Canberra region. Thank you.
Free: Packing boxes for moving - 5 (Campbell ACT) Expired 298 mms w x 431 mms high x 406 mms long. 52 litres. Standard size.
Photo of free Packing boxes for moving - 5 (Campbell ACT) #1
Request: Fire guard screen (Campbell ACT) Expired Fire guard screen - wanted - for community group. should be sturdy to go around the community kitchen fire place. Prefer free. Can be picked up in Canberra. Sample photos attached.
Photo of Fire guard screen (Campbell ACT) #1
Photo of Fire guard screen (Campbell ACT) #2
Request: Stainless steel frying pans (Campbell ACT) Expired Stainless steel frying pans wanted. With or without lids. solid base preferred. Wanted for community group kitchen activities. Can be picked up in the Canberra region. Any donations appreciated. Large, medium or small size.
Photo of Stainless steel frying pans (Campbell ACT) #1
Request: Fire guard screen (Campbell ACT) Expired Fire guard screen - wanted - for community group. should be sturdy to go around the community kitchen fire place. Prefer free. Can be picked up in Canberra. Sample photos attached.
Photo of Fire guard screen (Campbell ACT) #1
Photo of Fire guard screen (Campbell ACT) #2
Free: French language casette tapes (Campbell ACT) Expired Set of 24 French language casette tapes, plus some Spanish and Japanese. You need casette player to use them. Clean and good condition. Free to someone who can use them. Available in Canberra.
Photo of free French language casette tapes (Campbell ACT) #1
Photo of free French language casette tapes (Campbell ACT) #2
Photo of free French language casette tapes (Campbell ACT) #3
Free: Lamp - art deco - needs repairing (Campbell ACT) Expired Free - lamp in art deco style. solid base and shade. Note - one panel of the shade needs repairing so someone who knows how to repair this may like it. Available in Canberra. Can be delivered depending on where you are. Measures 47cm high.
Photo of free Lamp - art deco - needs repairing (Campbell ACT) #1
Photo of free Lamp - art deco - needs repairing (Campbell ACT) #2
Photo of free Lamp - art deco - needs repairing (Campbell ACT) #3