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Free: Metal runner for sliding wardrobe doors (Euxton PR7) 2.9m approx.
Photo of free Metal runner for sliding wardrobe doors (Euxton PR7) #1
Free: Plastic bottles for home brewing (Euxton PR7) Gifted Many brown plastic bottles for home brewing in need of a clean
Photo of free Plastic bottles for home brewing (Euxton PR7) #1
Free: Table outdoor (Euxton PR7) Gifted Black plastic table with legs
Photo of free Table outdoor (Euxton PR7) #1
Photo of free Table outdoor (Euxton PR7) #2
Free: Files (Euxton PR7) Gifted Multiple files
Photo of free Files (Euxton PR7) #1
Free: Gymnastics synchro bundle (Euxton PR7) Gifted Bag, block for practicing splits, 2 1 kg weights and make up bag
Photo of free Gymnastics synchro bundle (Euxton PR7) #1
Free: 2 lever arch files with inserts (Euxton PR7) Expired
Photo of free 2 lever arch files with inserts (Euxton PR7) #1
Free: Disney case (Euxton PR7) Expired Disney princess case Hold case or small case
Photo of free Disney case (Euxton PR7) #1
Free: Oak furniture land chest of drawers (Euxton PR7) Gifted Light oak drawers. Unable to post picture as freegle app is down for this. Very modern x3 drawers silver handles Like new
Free: Chest drawers (Euxton PR7) Gifted Oak furniture land
Free: Oak chest drawers (Euxton PR7) Expired Bed side furniture from oak furniture land
Free: Ottoman storage seat (Euxton PR7) Gifted As good as new. Ottoman storage chest.
Photo of free Ottoman storage seat (Euxton PR7) #1
Free: Laminate wooden floor (Euxton PR7) Gifted About 8m2 room was 2.5m x 3.5 m Laid small ways With underlay
Photo of free Laminate wooden floor (Euxton PR7) #1
Photo of free Laminate wooden floor (Euxton PR7) #2
Free: Dog leads (Euxton PR7) Gifted Great for dog walkers or anyone really with dogs
Photo of free Dog leads (Euxton PR7) #1
Free: Camping bundle (Euxton PR7) Gifted Outsell canvas table, tennis and badminton set, dog peg, tent pegs and parasol
Photo of free Camping bundle (Euxton PR7) #1
Free: Roof box (Euxton PR7) Gifted Halfords roof box no bars slim
Photo of free Roof box (Euxton PR7) #1
Photo of free Roof box (Euxton PR7) #2
Free: 2 Garmin 820 for bikes (Euxton PR7) Gifted 2 garmin 820 for cycling. No mounts no charger but charger is a standard one. Reset.
Photo of free 2 Garmin 820 for bikes (Euxton PR7) #1
Photo of free 2 Garmin 820 for bikes (Euxton PR7) #2
Free: Over door hanger or stand alone coat hanger (Euxton PR7) Expired In chrome. Slightly rusted. Could be painted. Use as screwed on hooks or over the door
Photo of free Over door hanger or stand alone coat hanger (Euxton PR7) #1
Free: White wine rack (Euxton PR7) Gifted Flat packed just bought off eBay. Not needed
Photo of free White wine rack (Euxton PR7) #1
Free: Running cycling rucksacks. Small. Hold water. (Euxton PR7) Gifted Camel bladder not included
Photo of free Running cycling rucksacks. Small. Hold water. (Euxton PR7) #1
Free: Laminate flooring 3x4m roughly. (Euxton PR7) Gifted Going to be taking it up in the next few weeks. If wanted I can leave it for you. Good for a utility room, outhouse etc
Photo of free Laminate flooring 3x4m roughly. (Euxton PR7) #1
Free: Oak land furniture desk and chair country oak (Euxton PR7) Gifted Cream oak and chair desk. Solid oak. Good condition. Happy to give to a good home
Photo of free Oak land furniture desk and chair country oak (Euxton PR7) #1
Free: Teaching kids to drive book (Euxton PR7) Gifted Really useful book to teach someone to drive
Photo of free Teaching kids to drive book (Euxton PR7) #1
Free: Valsoar white paint satin about 5 litres (Euxton PR7) Gifted White paint