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Request: Plates (Comeytrowe CP TA1) Has anyone got any spare plates of this design that they don’t want or need please? Thanks
Photo of Plates (Comeytrowe CP TA1) #1
Free: Alarm Clock Radio (Comeytrowe District Ward TA1) Gifted Working alarm clock radio with instructions. Collection from Galmington.
Photo of free Alarm Clock Radio (Comeytrowe District Ward TA1) #1
Free: 4 x 500 piece jigsaw. (Comeytrowe District Ward TA1) Gifted Maybe a couple of pieces missing.
Photo of free 4 x 500 piece jigsaw. (Comeytrowe District Ward TA1) #1
Request: Double Knitting wool (Comeytrowe District Ward TA1) I’ve started to make little hats for Musgrove hospital premature baby unit again, similar to photo and I’ve run out of double knitting wool. Has anyone got any pastel/light shades that you don’t want/need any more please, if so I can make good use of it. Taunton area if possible. Thanks.
Photo of Double Knitting wool (Comeytrowe District Ward TA1) #1
Request: Plug-in heat pad (Comeytrowe District Ward TA1) Expired Has anyone got a plug-in heat pad to help with my sciatica instead of relying on a hot water bottle. Many thanks.
Free: Microwave (Comeytrowe District Ward TA1) Expired Basic Sharp microwave.
Photo of free Microwave (Comeytrowe District Ward TA1) #1
Request: DK Wool (Comeytrowe District Ward TA1) Expired As you can see by the photo I am still knitting newborn hats for Musgrove baby unit and I am running out of DK wool. If you have some that you will not used can I have it please so I can continue knitting? Taunton area if possible please. Thanks
Photo of DK Wool (Comeytrowe District Ward TA1) #1
Request: Hand hair dryer (Comeytrowe District Ward TA1) Expired Hand hair dryer please as mine has recently died, thanks
Request: Microwave (Comeytrowe District Ward TA1) Received My microwave has just died. Has anyone got one that they want to get rid of please? Thank you.
Free: iPhone for Dummies (Comeytrowe CP TA1) Gifted Old edition but it might help someone.
Photo of free iPhone for Dummies (Comeytrowe CP TA1) #1
Free: Cook Book (Comeytrowe CP TA1) Expired Ideal for students as it’s for students written by a student.
Photo of free Cook Book (Comeytrowe CP TA1) #1
Free: Pineapple slicer (Comeytrowe CP TA1) Expired As photo.
Photo of free Pineapple slicer (Comeytrowe CP TA1) #1
Photo of free Pineapple slicer (Comeytrowe CP TA1) #2
Request: STATIK lightening magnetic Tip (Comeytrowe District Ward TA1) Expired Has anyone got a spare STATIK lightening magnetic tip please? I ordered the complete item, tips, lead etc to charge my devices but only one of the tips fit, the others are for android devices and are too big. If you have one that you can spare I’d really appreciate it. Taunton area if possible please. Thank you.
Photo of STATIK lightening magnetic Tip (Comeytrowe District Ward TA1) #1
Request: Top Soil (Comeytrowe District Ward TA1) Expired My neighbour is looking for a few bags of top soil. Can anyone help please? Thanks.
Request: Double Knitting Wool (Comeytrowe District Ward TA1) Expired I’ve recently been knitting fingerless gloves/mittens for ladies in the Ukrainian army and I am now running out of wool. If anyone has any unwanted double knitting wool I’d really appreciate it. Thanks
Request: Video player (Comeytrowe District Ward TA1) Expired If anyone has a video player I would welcome it as I have some videos that I cannot play. Thanks.
Free: Videos (Comeytrowe CP TA1) Gifted Several videos for anyone that can play them, all in good condition.
Photo of free Videos (Comeytrowe CP TA1) #1