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Free: Assorted box files (TA4) Various ring files in various colours and sizes
Photo of free Assorted box files (TA4) #1
Photo of free Assorted box files (TA4) #2
Free: Rocking chair (TA4 4EG) Expired Very tired fabric but an upholstering challenge with a potential great result
Photo of free Rocking chair (TA4 4EG) #1
Free: Interesting chair seat (TA4 4EG) Expired Chair seat and back only. Legs will make a good project for someone
Photo of free Interesting chair seat (TA4 4EG) #1
Request: Copper tube (TA4) Expired Wanted approx 2m of 28mm copper tubing for a non plumbing job
Free: Hand held mixer (TA4) Expired White Braun hand held mixer
Photo of free Hand held mixer (TA4) #1
Free: Moulinex electric carving knife (TA4) Expired White, 240 v. with plug but NO BLADES
Photo of free Moulinex electric carving knife (TA4) #1
Free: Bulkhead light (TA4) Expired White approximately 9" diameter and 2" deep
Photo of free Bulkhead light (TA4) #1
Free: Numerous files (TA4) Expired many and various mainly but not all ring files
Free: 20Kg feed bags (TA4) Expired Approx. 50no 20kg polythene animal feed bags suitable for rubble ,garden waste etc
Free: Quantity of printer ink cartridges (TA4) Expired About 30 assorted printer ink cartridges colour and black and white. suitable for a small printer such as a Cannon Pixma including 7 x PGI - 5 Bk, 3 x CLI-8 Bk, 3 x CLI-8 Magenta, 2 x CLIU- 8, T3351Bk, T3363, T 2996, 4 x Olivetti Bk
Free: Play tent (TA4) Expired Green three person arch type tent suitable for play purposes One pole missing but replaceable
Photo of free Play tent (TA4) #1
Photo of free Play tent (TA4) #2
Free: Red rotating light (TA4) Expired Red rotating light for a vehicle with attached cable 24 volt 70 watt Approx 8" high and 6" base
Photo of free Red rotating light (TA4) #1
Free: Two garden umbrellas (TA4) Expired One white and one burgundy Approx 1.5 m diameter Frames damaged and canvass with mouse holes. Useful for shading plants or temporary semi cover Alternativity small DIY repairs to wooden frames and new covers would make two much cheaper than new umbrellas.
Photo of free Two garden umbrellas (TA4) #1
Free: Super Ser gas heater (TA4) Expired Old model in aged condition but working suitable for out house or workshop Gas not included.
Photo of free Super Ser gas heater (TA4) #1
Free: Bubble wrap (TA4) Expired I have approx. 8 sheets bubble wrap each approx. 1 m sg. They are large "heavy duty " bubbles c "1" diameter rather than the usual pea sized ones
Free: Various double glazed units (TA4) Expired I have a variety of double glazed units of odd sizes from approx. 1.5m x 0.300m to 300mm x 300mm. In all about 15 in number Possibly suitable for cold frame or glazing out buildings
Free: Various hanging baskets (TA4) Expired Approx 12"+ diameter hanging baskets , some half round old but usable.
Photo of free Various hanging baskets (TA4) #1
Free: Sailing jacket (TA4) Expired Large blue sailing jacket
Free: Inspection lamp 12v DC (TA4) Expired Car inspection lamp (plug in to lighter point) as new. No bulb.
Photo of free Inspection lamp 12v DC (TA4) #1
Request: Barge board (TA4) Expired 2 metre length barge board in Nuralite.
Free: Cream AGA doors (TA4) Expired Four oven doors some slight chips from four oven AGA
Photo of free Cream AGA doors (TA4) #1
Free: Sailing jacket (TA4) Expired Blue, Large, Helly Hansen type Used
Photo of free Sailing jacket (TA4) #1
Free: Hanging and wall baskets (TA4) Expired Four hanging baskets and four wall baskets each approx 14" diameter Rusty but usable.
Photo of free Hanging and wall baskets (TA4) #1
Free: Inspection lamp (TA4) Expired 12v car inspection lamp (no bulb) as new
Photo of free Inspection lamp (TA4) #1
Free: Ring files (TA4) Expired Approx. 15 ring files A 4. suitable for projects, , personal papers.
Free: Play tent (TA4) Expired Green. Inner lining missing and some frame struts(But easily replaced) Three person tent
Photo of free Play tent (TA4) #1
Photo of free Play tent (TA4) #2
Free: Small wine rack (TA4) Expired 16 bottle wine rack
Photo of free Small wine rack (TA4) #1
Free: Shooting stick (TA4) Expired Requires attention to leather seat but otherwise sound.
Photo of free Shooting stick (TA4) #1
Free: Large garden umbrella parts (TA4) Expired Wooden frames and covers suitable for part "cannibalisation" of 6 rib garden umbrellas
Photo of free Large garden umbrella parts (TA4) #1
Free: Lawn aerator (TA4) Expired Approx 1.5 m green lawn aerator
Photo of free Lawn aerator (TA4) #1