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Free: Old Good Housekeeping cookbooks (Queensway Terrace South) Classic or some may call them old cookbooks lol. Please take any or all.
Photo of free Old Good Housekeeping cookbooks (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Free: Old Good Housekeeping cookbooks (Queensway Terrace South) Classic or some may call them old cookbooks lol. Please take all.
Photo of free Old Good Housekeeping cookbooks (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Free: Plastic water bladder (Queensway Terrace South) Comes with O-ring; unused
Photo of free Plastic water bladder (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Free: Metal fluted mould (Queensway Terrace South) Diameter 7.5” x 3” tall
Photo of free Metal fluted mould (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Photo of free Metal fluted mould (Queensway Terrace South) #2
Photo of free Metal fluted mould (Queensway Terrace South) #3
Free: Odd size 1 inch binder (Queensway Terrace South) Binder cover is 8.5”x11” and contains plastic sleeves about 7”x10” in size
Photo of free Odd size 1 inch binder (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Photo of free Odd size 1 inch binder (Queensway Terrace South) #2
Free: Unused garden gloves (Queensway Terrace South) Gifted Two new pairs from charity; size small?
Photo of free Unused garden gloves (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Free: Freebies from charity group (Queensway Terrace South) Gifted Two markers, two highlighters, a pen and two cutters (?)
Photo of free Freebies from charity group (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Free: Birthday candle holders (Queensway Terrace South) Gifted Unopened pack of 6 flower shaped candle holders
Photo of free Birthday candle holders (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Free: Small black gloves (Queensway Terrace South) Gifted
Photo of free Small black gloves (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Free: Foaming soap dispensers (2) (Queensway Terrace South) Gifted Make your own foaming soap by putting in 2 tablespoons of a liquid soap. Then add water but not too full, mix gently and use.
Photo of free Foaming soap dispensers (2) (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Free: Used paper making kit (Queensway Terrace South) Gifted Makes paper in two different sizes
Photo of free Used paper making kit (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Free: Plastic poster frame (Queensway Terrace South) Gifted 24” x 36” can be hung portrait or landscape
Photo of free Plastic poster frame (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Free: Bowl of Christmas ornaments (Queensway Terrace South) Gifted As pictured with battery operated lights
Photo of free Bowl of Christmas ornaments (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Free: Tupperware jello mold (Queensway Terrace South) Gifted All pieces are shown, in good shape: mold, base, lid and four different designs patterns for the centre
Photo of free Tupperware jello mold (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Free: Tupperware jello mold (Queensway Terrace South) Gifted All pieces are shown, in good shape: mold, base, lid and four different designs patterns
Photo of free Tupperware jello mold (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Free: Lace runner (Queensway Terrace South) Gifted White, approx 22”x 44”
Photo of free Lace runner (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Free: Tupperware jello mold (Queensway Terrace South) Expired Well used; comes with base and lid and has four different top patterns
Photo of free Tupperware jello mold (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Free: Bundt cake pan 8” (Queensway Terrace South) Gifted Aluminium
Photo of free Bundt cake pan 8” (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Free: Broken Shark hand vacuum (Queensway Terrace South) Expired Can someone fix it or use parts? Includes original box and tools
Photo of free Broken Shark hand vacuum (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Free: Dish drying rack and tray (Queensway Terrace South) Gifted Metal rack with a few spots where the coating has cracked off; sturdy rack includes utensil holder and clear tray
Photo of free Dish drying rack and tray (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Photo of free Dish drying rack and tray (Queensway Terrace South) #2
Free: Two pairs gardening gloves (Queensway Terrace South) Gifted New; free gifts from charity organization; size medium?
Photo of free Two pairs gardening gloves (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Free: Fabric remnant of stretchy velour (Queensway Terrace South) Expired 10”x42” piece of stretchy black velour material
Photo of free Fabric remnant of stretchy velour (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Free: Gel pen pack (Queensway Terrace South) Gifted All colours in box; hardly used
Photo of free Gel pen pack (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Free: Small purple glass vase (Queensway Terrace South) Gifted About 5” tall
Photo of free Small purple glass vase (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Free: Small glass vase (Queensway Terrace South) Gifted About 4” tall
Photo of free Small glass vase (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Free: Colouring pencils (Queensway Terrace South) Gifted as shown in box
Photo of free Colouring pencils (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Free: Incomplete colouring pencil set (Queensway Terrace South) Expired Colouring pencils as shown
Photo of free Incomplete colouring pencil set (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Free: File organizer (Queensway Terrace South) Gifted Barely used, has 12 slots with tabs; closes with elastics at the corners
Photo of free File organizer (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Photo of free File organizer (Queensway Terrace South) #2
Photo of free File organizer (Queensway Terrace South) #3
Free: CURB alert armoire and mattress (Queensway Terrace South) Expired On Thorson Ave. Garbage pickup is normally Wed.
Photo of free CURB alert armoire and mattress (Queensway Terrace South) #1
Photo of free CURB alert armoire and mattress (Queensway Terrace South) #2
Free: CURB Alert Nissan hub cap (Queensway Terrace South) Expired Near fire hydrant at corner of Stanton and Thorson
Photo of free CURB Alert Nissan hub cap (Queensway Terrace South) #1