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Request: Large glas jar/bottle with lid (Observatory Hill, Cambridge) I want to try to make one of those "Forrest is a bottle" self contained environments. I'm thinking approximately one gallon.
Free: Two coaxial cables (Payson Park, Belmont) For cable TV or similar. The black one is shorter, the white is longer. I'm willing to measure them if you tell me how long they need to be for you to be interested. Please follow guidelines when messaging.
Photo of free Two coaxial cables (Payson Park, Belmont) #1
Free: Waterproof case with audio passthru (Payson Park, Belmont) Waterproof case for protecting early 2000's Audioplayer while sporting. Audio pass through. Please follow trash nothing guidelines when responding.
Photo of free Waterproof case with audio passthru (Payson Park, Belmont) #1
Photo of free Waterproof case with audio passthru (Payson Park, Belmont) #2
Request: One cattle pannel (Payson Park, Belmont) I would really like one 4x16 foot cattle panel to use as a trellis in my garden. My car is too small to transport one from Lowes (where I could buy one), though, so hoping to find one super close to here or someone who's willing to deliver.
Request: Webcam (Observatory Hill, Cambridge) Old one is fine, as long as it works. Cambridge, Belmont, Watertown, East Arlington or west Somerville, please.
Request: Laptop sleeve for 13" laptop (Payson Park, Belmont) A sleeve for a laptop to protect against bumps and dust in my bike bag. I can pickup from Cambridge, Belmont, Watertown, West Somerville, East Arlington.
Request: Tomato cages (Observatory Hill, Cambridge) Looking for tomato cages. We could use as many as 16, but any amount would be great. Willing to pick up from Belmont, Cambridge, Watertown, north Newton, West Somerville. Would consider going further for larger number of cages.
Request: Size 13J figure skates (Payson Park, Belmont) Prefer to pick up from Belmont, Watertown, Cambridge or north Newton.
Free: Large styrofoam boxes (Payson Park, Belmont) Expired Large styrofoam boxes. Size 10 men's shoe for size reference.
Photo of free Large styrofoam boxes (Payson Park, Belmont) #1
Request: Tomato cages (Observatory Hill, Cambridge) Expired Looking for tomato cages. We could use as many as 12, but any amount would be great.
Request: Bucket with lids (Payson Park, Belmont) Expired Looking for buckets with lids, either plastic or metal. It's for transporting compost and chicken/goat bedding from a farm to my garden, so they do not need to be pretty, but preferably shouldn't have a bunch of dried up paint.
Request: Arch trellis (Payson Park, Belmont) Expired Looking for one or two arch trellises for beans, tomatoes, squashes to grow on.
Request: IKEA HEJNE storage system (Payson Park, Belmont) Expired Or similar modular storage shelves. I grew up with the older model of the IKEA HEJNE (the new version looks slightly less bulky/sturdy) everywhere in the house, since we moved a lot, and I'm feeling nostalgic for it in a corner of the house where we can't find anything with fixed shelves that works well. As tall as possible (up to 8 feet), at least 4 (preferably 6) legs and a suitable number of shelves.
Photo of IKEA HEJNE storage system (Payson Park, Belmont) #1
Request: Tomato cages (Observatory Hill, Cambridge) Expired Looking fur tomato cages. We could use as many as 12, but any amount would be great.
Request: 8 bricks/cinder blocks (Payson Park, Belmont) Received I need to raise up a couple of garden boxes so rats stop living underneath them. I'm thinking a couple of bricks on each end should lift them enough to make living underneath unappealing. Cinder blocks would also work.
Request: Tumbling composter (any brand) (Observatory Hill, Cambridge) Expired The plastic pieces if my current composter have reached end of life and are falling apart. I need a new one.
Request: Kink free expandable garden hose (Observatory Hill, Cambridge) Expired My current hose is awful and constantly kinks. I need a better one.
Request: Leaf rake (Observatory Hill, Cambridge) Expired Looking for a leaf rake for raking leaves.
Free: Pet water fountain (Payson Park, Belmont) Gifted The pump is still there, but the power supply brick is missing. Might be possible to get a replacement online. Got 4 spare filters.
Photo of free Pet water fountain (Payson Park, Belmont) #1
Free: Old display dongle (Payson Park, Belmont) Expired Turns a Mini DisplayPort into HDMI, DVI and VGA. Still worked last it was used, although that was a few years ago.
Photo of free Old display dongle (Payson Park, Belmont) #1
Photo of free Old display dongle (Payson Park, Belmont) #2
Photo of free Old display dongle (Payson Park, Belmont) #3
Photo of free Old display dongle (Payson Park, Belmont) #4
+3 +2 +1
Free: Google Pixel 3a screen protecotr (Payson Park, Belmont) Expired Tempered glass screen protector for Google Pixel 3a.
Photo of free Google Pixel 3a screen protecotr (Payson Park, Belmont) #1
Request: Grass/clover seeds (Observatory Hill, Cambridge) Received I have a small corner of lawn that could use reseeding. If anybody has some spare grass/clover (or similar) seeds, that would be greatly appreciated.
Request: Cattle panels (2 or 3) (Observatory Hill, Cambridge) Expired Probably a long shot. I'm looking for a couple of cattle panels to build some garden trellis arches, but nowhere delivers those huge things. So I'm posting here in case someone has some they want to deliver to observatory hill in Cambridge.
Request: Pokemon energy cards (Payson Park, Belmont) Expired I'm trying to build some decks to play with my kid, but I'm short on energy for most of the colours (all except electricity). Particularly looking for 8 grass energy cards, but also 5 water, 2 fire, 5 darkness, 3 fighting, 4 psychic, 8 metal. I would also take Supporter/Item cards if you have any extras.
Request: Strawberry plants/runners (Observatory Hill, Cambridge) Expired For our community garden.
Request: Any Pokemon TCG cards (Observatory Hill, Cambridge) Received My child (almost 7) wants Pokemon cards because two good friends have them and show them off at every given occasion. However, I don't really expect my kid to be excited about them in the long run, so I don't want to spend a bunch of money on cards untill interest has been proven.
Request: 3x3 ft fine-grid wire mesh (Observatory Hill, Cambridge) Expired For vermin proofing a compost bin.
Request: Leaf rake (Observatory Hill, Cambridge) Expired For raking leaves...
Request: Community garden supplies (Observatory Hill, Cambridge) Expired I help organise a small community garden. Acquiring some of these for free would help us stretch our budget: - tomato cages (any height, but especially tall ones) - large pots (>15 inch diameter, bigger the better; any material including fabric) - seed starting supplies (particularly grow light and heat mat) - chicken wire fencing (to keep out bunnies) - nitrogen-heavy fertilizer
Request: Yellow shirt, red had, red vest (Payson Park, Belmont) Expired For a Halloween costume! Looking for: - a yellow button down shirt (size L-XXL) - a red vest - a red fedora/hat Willing to borrow and return after Halloween. Can pick up Friday/Monday from Belmont, Watertown, Cambridge, Arlington, might be able to go farther if you have multiple items. I need it to be Duff the Goat Boy (from the Princess in Black series), so they do not need to be in good shape (worn, torn and/or stained is perfectly fine).
Photo of Yellow shirt, red had, red vest (Payson Park, Belmont) #1