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Request: Skirt hangers (Waterlooville PO7) In need of Adult & child size skirt hangars like the ones in photos plesse, can collect if local to PO7 waterlooville area please.
Photo of Skirt hangers (Waterlooville PO7) #1
Request: Filters & for Vax Blade Pro vacuum (Waterlooville) Hi Im in need of the filters & foor brush for The Vax Blade Pro TBT3V1H1 Cordless vacuum cleaner please, can collect if local to waterlooville PO7 area.
Photo of Filters & for Vax Blade Pro vacuum (Waterlooville) #1
Photo of Filters & for Vax Blade Pro vacuum (Waterlooville) #2
Photo of Filters & for Vax Blade Pro vacuum (Waterlooville) #3
Request: summer house shed (Waterlooville) would like an old but still usable summer house for the garden, doesn't matter if it needs a lick of paint the kids will enjoy giving it a makeover.
Photo of summer house shed (Waterlooville) #1
Request: Boys, bedroom rug (Waterlooville) Could do with a blue rug for my 11 year old sons newly decorated bedroom. Would appreciate delivery for fuel contribution if possible please.
Request: Dark royal blue ring top curtains (Waterlooville) After long royal blue ring top curtains for sons bedroom please
Request: Plastic heavy duty storage shed (Waterlooville) Requesting Heavy duty plastic garden storage sheds similar to pictures, if anyone might have upgraded and be getting rid of the old ones please, must be waterproof & still usable though 😊
Photo of Plastic heavy duty storage shed (Waterlooville) #1
Photo of Plastic heavy duty storage shed (Waterlooville) #2
Photo of Plastic heavy duty storage shed (Waterlooville) #3
Request: Girls pink small canvas wardrobe (Waterlooville) Withdrawn Despretly looking for a Pink canvas wardrobe around 4ft high & 2ft wide for daughters bedroom please, similar to photo
Photo of Girls pink small canvas wardrobe (Waterlooville) #1
Request: Small 4'tall by 2' wide wardrobe (Waterlooville) Withdrawn Desperately need a small 4' tall by 2' wide wardrobe in cream or pink for daughters bedroom, would need it to delivered which i will cover the fuel for as i have no way of collecting
Request: Small Cream fabric wardrobe (Waterlooville) Withdrawn After a cream coloured fabric wardrobe for 11 year old girls bedroom in Waterlooville area please
Request: Skirt hangers (Waterlooville) Withdrawn Adult & child size please, local to waterlooville.
Request: Skirt hangers (Waterlooville) Withdrawn Adult & child size local to waterlooville please.
Request: Cordless bagless vacuum (Waterlooville) Withdrawn With quite a wattage
Request: Vax blade ultra vacuum tools (Waterlooville) Withdrawn In desperate need if any one has any local to waterlooville please
Request: Dark royal blue ring top curtains (Waterlooville) After after royal blue ring top curtains for sons bedroom please
Request: Shelves book cases (Waterlooville) Withdrawn Shelvs or book casse
Request: Shelves or book case type units (Waterlooville) Withdrawn Have just decorated kids bedroom & bought new beds for them. Would like shelf units or book case type units please.
Request: Shelving units for kto kids bedroom (Waterlooville) Withdrawn shelving or shelving units for childrens bedrooms. Have just decorated & bought kids new beds & would like shelves or bookcase type units to go with them. I do not drive & would really appreciate if items could kindly be dropped to me for some fuel contribution 😊
Request: Canon DSLR cameras & lenses (Waterlooville) Withdrawn I love photography and learning more all the time, also teaching my children too, any equipment that could help develop our hobby further would be much appreciated 😊
Request: Plastic summer house (Waterlooville) Expired 10x8 double doors if possible, for my kids to play in
Request: Computer desk (Waterlooville) Expired Need a sturdy computer desk
Request: Small butane blow torch (Waterlooville) Expired
Request: Large plastic storage boxes (Waterlooville) Expired Must have lids please
Request: Large plastic storage containers (Waterlooville) Expired Must have lids please
Request: Adjustable clothes rail (Waterlooville) Expired Must have wheels
Request: Large plastic storage boxes (Waterlooville) Expired Must have lids please.
Request: Assorted coat hangars (Waterlooville) Expired
Request: Canon DSLR cameras & lenses (Waterlooville) Expired I love photography and learning more all the time, also teaching my children too, any equipment that could help develop our hobby further would be much appreciated 😊
Request: Sleeping bags (Waterlooville) Expired In good condition
Request: 150 galon Fishtank filter (Waterlooville) Expired Mine has packed in today. Please help my fish 😊
Request: a dress makers dummy (Waterlooville) Expired after an avverage size dress makers dummy please