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Offers   Requests
Request: Weights, kettle bells etc (Lake City) Expired Seeking to bolster our modest at-home gym for our 4-person household, for stronger more capable bodies! Welcoming offers of any gym equipment you have that is suitable for a home gym. Dumbbells, kettle bells, padded mats, elastic straps, TRX straps, etc!
Photo of Weights, kettle bells etc (Lake City) #1
Request: Shoe rack/shelves (Lake City) Expired Seeking shoe racks to more efficiently store our shoes! Under 1.5 feet tall, with 1-3 shelves.
Photo of Shoe rack/shelves (Lake City) #1
Free: Bubblebath and bubble maker (Lake City) Gifted Bubblebath is full bottle Bubble maker is 1/2 full
Photo of free Bubblebath and bubble maker (Lake City) #1
Free: Seashells (Lake City) Gifted Have an art project, or inspired to start one? Use these!
Photo of free Seashells (Lake City) #1
Free: Razor handles (Lake City) Expired Have an array of razor cartridges you can accommodate! Never worry about what’s available, bc you’ll have a handle that will fit!
Photo of free Razor handles (Lake City) #1
Free: Procedure masks (Lake City) Expired Open box, nearly full, earloop style
Photo of free Procedure masks (Lake City) #1
Free: Hand soap (Lake City) Gifted It’s about 3/4 full. Should last you a good while! Pump works just fine! If you like scented things (which I don’t), it has a pleasant scent.
Photo of free Hand soap (Lake City) #1
Request: Elephant (Lake City) Received No, not a real elephant, much as that would be very interesting! I seek a miniature elephant, in any material: a stuffed animal, wood, ceramic, stone, metal, etc. Small is great! Like hand- or pocket-sized. Cute or not cute is fine! Resembling a baby elephant would be ideal.
Photo of Elephant (Lake City) #1
Request: Standup Paddleboard and/or paddle (Lake City) Expired Now that I’m close to LW, I’d love to utilize it with a SUP! Seeking any usable condition board or paddle, hardboard or inflatable. Open to borrowing for the season or some portion of it, if that is your preference. If you have one of these collecting dust in your garage, i promise I will put it to great use!
Photo of Standup Paddleboard and/or paddle (Lake City) #1
Free: Breathesmart air filter cartridge (Lake City) Gifted New, doesn't fit my equipment.
Photo of free Breathesmart air filter cartridge (Lake City) #1
Photo of free Breathesmart air filter cartridge (Lake City) #2
Free: Swiffer (Lake City) Gifted It’s a fun name for a useful product. Have at it!
Photo of free Swiffer (Lake City) #1
Free: Auto supplies (Lake City) Gifted Auto “beverages” to feed its thirst.
Photo of free Auto supplies (Lake City) #1
Free: 6 gallon beer making bucket (Lake City) Gifted
Photo of free 6 gallon beer making bucket (Lake City) #1
Free: DVD Tigers are not afraid (Lake City) Expired
Photo of free DVD Tigers are not afraid (Lake City) #1
Free: Pet bowls (Lake City) Gifted Still available!
Photo of free Pet bowls (Lake City) #1
Free: Nike Air size 13 (Lake City) Expired Still available!
Photo of free Nike Air size 13 (Lake City) #1
Photo of free Nike Air size 13 (Lake City) #2
Photo of free Nike Air size 13 (Lake City) #3
Free: Chin strap (for sleeping) (Lake City) Gifted Chin strap for mouth breathers who want to keep the mouth closed while sleeping via a strap. It is adjustable, I believe it is one size fits most. I tried it once, opted for a different method.
Photo of free Chin strap (for sleeping) (Lake City) #1
Free: Vehicle oil filters (Lake City) Expired
Photo of free Vehicle oil filters (Lake City) #1
Photo of free Vehicle oil filters (Lake City) #2
Free: Lice elimination kit (Lake City) Gifted
Photo of free Lice elimination kit (Lake City) #1
Free: Queen mattress (Lake City) Expired Usable, not perfect
Photo of free Queen mattress (Lake City) #1
Free: Razor handles & thermometer (Lake City) Expired Thermometer has disposable plastic covers, needs new battery
Photo of free Razor handles & thermometer (Lake City) #1
Free: Mr Bubbles (unopened) (Lake City) Expired Still available!
Photo of free Mr Bubbles (unopened) (Lake City) #1
Request: Weights, kettle bells etc (Lake City) Expired Seeking to create an at-home gym for our 4-person household, so we can (economically) improve our fitness, so as to serve others more profoundly via stronger & healthier bodies! i welcome hearing offers of any gym equipment you have that is suitable for a home gym. Dumbbells, kettle bells, padded mats, a rowing machine, elastic straps, TRX straps, etc! Have truck to transport!
Photo of Weights, kettle bells etc (Lake City) #1
Free: Disposable face masks (Lake City) Expired Open box, nearly full Still available!
Photo of free Disposable face masks (Lake City) #1
Free: Shoe care/treatment (Lake City) Expired Please claim/take all.
Photo of free Shoe care/treatment (Lake City) #1
Free: USB cables (Lake City) Expired USB cables! Micro-USB, Mini-USB, and one USB-A (std USB) that has male/female ends. All confirmed functional. Porch pickup! A few still available!
Photo of free USB cables (Lake City) #1
Free: Pet bowls (Lake City) Expired Still available!
Photo of free Pet bowls (Lake City) #1
Free: Mixmaster countertop mixer (Lake City) Expired Mixmaster! Works! No bowls with it.
Photo of free Mixmaster countertop mixer (Lake City) #1