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Free: Heavy duty large metal petrol can (Bailbrook) Gifted Heavy duty large metal petrol can. I think it's 10 litre but unsure
Photo of free Heavy duty large metal petrol can (Bailbrook) #1
Free: Specialist can for draining oil from car (Bailbrook) Gifted Specialist can for draining oil from car. It has an opening in the side so it can lie flat under the car and another at the top in the usual place for disposing of the oil.
Photo of free Specialist can for draining oil from car (Bailbrook) #1
Free: Plumber's clamp (Bailbrook) Withdrawn Plumber's clamp
Photo of free Plumber's clamp (Bailbrook) #1
Request: ladder for bunk beds (Bailbrook) Received If anyone has one I'd be most grateful. Ours has broken
Free: large roll lightweight polythene for decorating protection (Bailbrook) Gifted Very large roll thin polythene for decorating protection. Used. It is folded and rolled up so I'm not quite sure how much but I think it would be a good 3 m wide and long, enough to cover a whole room while decorating.
Free: skirting board new 1.5m approx by 12 cm wide (Bailbrook) Expired skirting board new 1.5m approx by 12 cm wide. plus a shorter piece
Photo of free skirting board new 1.5m approx by 12 cm wide (Bailbrook) #1
Free: Large plant pots (Bailbrook) Gifted Large plant pots. 2 stacks one larger size than the other. Approx 8-10 pots in each stack. A few smaller ones not pictured available also.
Photo of free Large plant pots (Bailbrook) #1
Free: Strong outdoor bolts for outside doors shed 2 short 4 longer (Bailbrook) Gifted Strong outdoor bolts for outside doors shed 2 short 4 longer. Take any or all.
Photo of free Strong outdoor bolts for outside doors shed 2 short 4 longer (Bailbrook) #1
Free: Garden sieve No 4 (Bailbrook) Gifted Garden sieve No 4. Take any or all
Photo of free Garden sieve No 4 (Bailbrook) #1
Free: Garden sieve No 3 (Bailbrook) Gifted Garden sieve No 3. This one has two sieve bases to fit same ring holder
Photo of free Garden sieve No 3 (Bailbrook) #1
Free: Garden sieve No 2 (Bailbrook) Gifted Garden sieve No 2 Take any or all
Photo of free Garden sieve No 2 (Bailbrook) #1
Free: Garden sieve No 1 (Bailbrook) Gifted Garden sieve No 1
Photo of free Garden sieve No 1 (Bailbrook) #1
Free: Chain wrench for changing oil filter on car (Bailbrook) Expired Chain wrench for changing oil filter on car
Photo of free Chain wrench for changing oil filter on car (Bailbrook) #1
Request: lawn edging (Bailbrook) Expired I need to edge a line of eneven stones so weeds can't grow between them
Free: silk finish emulsion paint (Bailbrook) Gifted Half a 5 ltr tin of Dulux magnolia silk emulsion and a whole unopened 2.5 ltr tin of homebase Dove grey in the "tinted whites" series. Also silk finish.
Free: Victorian ceramic jars 1 box; Victorian Glass bottles 1 box (Bailbrook) Gifted Victorian ceramic jars 1 box; Victorian Glass bottles 1 box. All dusty. Take either or both
Photo of free Victorian ceramic jars 1 box; Victorian Glass bottles 1 box (Bailbrook) #1
Free: Green fuel can (Bailbrook) Gifted Green fuel can. Three available. Take any or all
Photo of free Green fuel can (Bailbrook) #1
Free: plasterers tape (Bailbrook) Gifted Used to cover joins in plasterboard to make them even before skimming. unopened roll
Photo of free plasterers tape (Bailbrook) #1
Free: plastering trowel no 3 (Bailbrook) Gifted Needs cleaning up after storage
Photo of free plastering trowel no 3 (Bailbrook) #1
Free: plastering trowel no 2 (Bailbrook) Gifted Needs cleaning up after storage
Photo of free plastering trowel no 2 (Bailbrook) #1
Free: Plastering trowel no 1 (Bailbrook) Gifted Needs cleaning up after storage
Photo of free Plastering trowel no 1 (Bailbrook) #1
Request: Double 4ft 6" mattress in good condition (Bailbrook) Expired My son has had cancer and would like a double bed for comfort now
Request: One cork tile 300m square (Bailbrook) Expired Anyone got one left over? I'm trying to make a table mat
Free: cork edging for laminate floor (Bailbrook) Gifted cork edging for laminate floor. nearly full packet of cork expansion strips for use when laying laminate floor
Photo of free cork edging for laminate floor (Bailbrook) #1
Free: Comfortable arm chair + fire label (Bailbrook) Gifted Comfortable arm chair + fire label. Smoke & pet free home. Space needed
Photo of free Comfortable arm chair + fire label (Bailbrook) #1
Free: bag strong used compost bags for rubble (Bailbrook) Expired bag strong used compost bags for rubble
Free: Used black plastic for weed suppressant (Bailbrook) Expired black plastic for weed suppressant This is not the sort of weed matting that you cut to let plants grow through but the impermeable sort to cover ground for the winter and spring. Large sheet. Muddy from use.
Free: bag strong empty compost bags for re use as rubble/rubbish (Bailbrook) Expired bag strong empty compost bags for re use as rubble/rubbish/gravel sacks. 3 available
Free: 800 watt microwave (Bailbrook) Expired White, some enamel chipped behind the door but not visible. Old but working
Photo of free 800 watt microwave (Bailbrook) #1
Photo of free 800 watt microwave (Bailbrook) #2
Free: Black plastic sheeting for weed suppressing (Bailbrook) Gifted This is not the woven, water permeable sort that you can cut & plant in, but a waterproof sheet to cover areas of garden to suppress weeds over winter to prepare for spring planting. I have enough to cover about 12 square metres in different sized sheets. Used, so a bit muddy! Will split. Update: some has been collected but still one large piece and 2 smaller pieces left.