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Free: Kombucha scoby (Long Hanborough OX29) I have a scoby available if anybody would like it?
Photo of free Kombucha scoby (Long Hanborough OX29) #1
Free: Deta bulkhead light (Long Hanborough OX29) Turns on but starts flashing after a short while
Photo of free Deta bulkhead light (Long Hanborough OX29) #1
Free: Easy peasy puppy squeezy book (Long Hanborough OX29) Good condition
Photo of free Easy peasy puppy squeezy book (Long Hanborough OX29) #1
Free: 4 pairs of size 6 ladies boots (Long Hanborough OX29) Have been worn
Photo of free 4 pairs of size 6 ladies boots (Long Hanborough OX29) #1
Free: Large bowl (Long Hanborough OX29)
Photo of free Large bowl (Long Hanborough OX29) #1
Request: Bonne maman jam jars (Long Hanborough OX29) Wanting to gift some preserves. Many thanks
Photo of Bonne maman jam jars (Long Hanborough OX29) #1
Free: Kitchen items (Long Hanborough OX29) Promised
Photo of free Kitchen items (Long Hanborough OX29) #1
Free: Baking tins (Long Hanborough OX29) Withdrawn 2 baking tins
Photo of free Baking tins (Long Hanborough OX29) #1
Request: 4 pin 24v power supply (Long Hanborough OX29) Withdrawn Does anybody have one of these ac/dc power supplies please that I could have? Just want to check that something works before spending out money on a replacement. Many thanks
Photo of 4 pin 24v power supply (Long Hanborough OX29) #1
Photo of 4 pin 24v power supply (Long Hanborough OX29) #2
Request: Bonne mamam jars (Long Hanborough OX29) Withdrawn Wanting to make jams and chutneys for gifts
Photo of Bonne mamam jars (Long Hanborough OX29) #1
Free: Micro scooter clip (Long Hanborough OX29) Withdrawn To attach bags to scooter handlebar
Photo of free Micro scooter clip (Long Hanborough OX29) #1
Free: Sewing machine oil (Long Hanborough OX29) Withdrawn Little used
Photo of free Sewing machine oil (Long Hanborough OX29) #1
Free: Whizzclick dog clicker (Long Hanborough OX29) Withdrawn Training tool
Photo of free Whizzclick dog clicker (Long Hanborough OX29) #1
Free: Littlelife buggy clip (Long Hanborough OX29) Withdrawn Bag clip for buggy handle
Photo of free Littlelife buggy clip (Long Hanborough OX29) #1
Request: Preserving pan (Long Hanborough OX29) Withdrawn Does anybody have a preserving pan they no longer use please? I’m just venturing into the world of preserving and would be so grateful of one. Thank you
Request: Greenhouse (Long Hanborough OX29) Withdrawn Looking for a greenhouse please, any type will be much appreciated. Thank you so much
Request: Tonne bags (Long Hanborough OX29) Received Does anybody have one or two tonne bags please? I’m wanting to move beds around on the allotment. Many thanks
Request: Water butt (Long Hanborough OX29) Received Does anybody have any unwanted water butts please? Trying to plan ahead and get ready for growing season without having to use tap water. Thank you
Request: Bird feeding station (Long Hanborough OX29) Withdrawn Would really love a bird feeding station to put at the allotment if anybody has one they no longer use please? Many thanks
Request: Canning/preserving equipment (Long Hanborough OX29) Withdrawn Does anybody have any unwanted canning/preserving equipment please? I’m just starting with preserving and would love any unwanted items anybody has please
Free: Ladies perfumes (Long Hanborough OX29) Gifted Unopened
Photo of free Ladies perfumes (Long Hanborough OX29) #1
Free: Play dough (Long Hanborough OX29) Gifted Small pots, unused
Photo of free Play dough (Long Hanborough OX29) #1
Free: Kitchen items (Long Hanborough OX29) Withdrawn Tagine, mixing bowl, salad bowl, steamer, garlic grater and feather
Photo of free Kitchen items (Long Hanborough OX29) #1
Request: Kilner jars (Long Hanborough OX29) Withdrawn Does anybody have any Kilner jars they no longer need please? Wanting to preserve and store more homemade food but never have enough jars. Thank you
Photo of Kilner jars (Long Hanborough OX29) #1
Free: Child’s easel (Long Hanborough OX29) Gifted Blackboard on reverse
Photo of free Child’s easel (Long Hanborough OX29) #1
Free: Easel (Long Hanborough OX29) Withdrawn
Photo of free Easel (Long Hanborough OX29) #1
Free: Kitchen items (Long Hanborough OX29) Withdrawn Various items
Photo of free Kitchen items (Long Hanborough OX29) #1
Request: Butter moulds (Long Hanborough OX29) Withdrawn Does anybody have any old butter moulds please? I’m wanting to make my butter look pretty lol. Thank you
Free: Kitchen items (Long Hanborough OX29) Withdrawn Various kitchen items, first to collect can have
Photo of free Kitchen items (Long Hanborough OX29) #1
Request: Folding chairs (Long Hanborough OX29) Withdrawn Does anybody have any wooden folding chairs please? For extra guests at dining table. Many thanks
Photo of Folding chairs (Long Hanborough OX29) #1