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Free: Portable DVD player (Marley) Gifted 9”, has a carry case and charger. It works.
Photo of free Portable DVD player (Marley) #1
Free: Laser hair remover (Marley) Gifted This is something my mother gave me that I never used. It’s old. I have no reason to think it doesn’t work.
Photo of free Laser hair remover (Marley) #1
Free: 2 large bottles of “bubble sauce” (Marley) Gifted One half full, one unopened. The bubble wand broke and we've outgrown blowing bubbles.
Photo of free 2 large bottles of “bubble sauce” (Marley) #1
Free: Misc lightbulbs (Marley) Gifted Not sure what’s what. They all worked the last time we checked.
Photo of free Misc lightbulbs (Marley) #1
Free: Two tone wig with head (Marley) Gifted It's about 10 years old, worn 3 times. It might be worthwhile if you know how to refresh a wig, or for kids dress up.
Photo of free Two tone wig with head (Marley) #1
Free: 3 David Jeremiah daily devotionals (Marley) Great condition
Photo of free 3 David Jeremiah daily devotionals (Marley) #1
Free: 32-cup keurig cup tree (Marley) Withdrawn Black, spins, perfect condition. I want more clear counter space. Cups not included.
Photo of free 32-cup keurig cup tree (Marley) #1
Free: 2 Laundry hampers, 1 basket (Marley) Withdrawn Two tall hampers without lids and one blue basket. Good condition.
Photo of free 2 Laundry hampers, 1 basket (Marley) #1
Free: Two watches (Marley) Gifted One silvertone, one stainless steel. I can’t get the backs off to replace the batteries. Twisty-flex bands. I love everything about the watches but the battery situation.
Photo of free Two watches (Marley) #1
Free: 9 “overnight” bags (Marley) Expired Pretty good condition, with one large zippered soft-sided suitcase, gym-baggy things, should bags, etc. They’re clean but you may want to steam some back into shape. Take all, please.
Photo of free 9 “overnight” bags (Marley) #1
Free: Manual snot sucker (Marley) Expired It's in great shape and comes with 9 new, unused tubes. I purchased it in anticipation of a problem that never arose.
Photo of free Manual snot sucker (Marley) #1
Free: Vera bradley padded shoulder bag (Marley) Gifted It has a floral pattern, lots of pockets, and has clearly been through the laundry, but it is a sturdy piece that has held up well.
Photo of free Vera bradley padded shoulder bag (Marley) #1
Request: Flea Market Cart (Marley) Expired Something like a collapsible cart on wheels, with sides that will fit in the trunk of my smallish-size sedan.
Free: 12 30 x 36 lacy curtain panels (Marley) Gifted White, clean, good condition. They can be spread out or smooshed tighter and look ok either way. We switched to something that doesn't allow as much light through.
Photo of free 12 30 x 36 lacy curtain panels (Marley) #1
Free: 3-drawer plastic storage unit (Marley) Gifted Translucent, one piece base, removable drawers, pretty pristine. I used it on the kitchen counter. Pocket calendar in bottom drawer for size referencing. Drawers-about 3 inches deep, 6 inches wide, 12 inches long.
Photo of free 3-drawer plastic storage unit (Marley) #1
Free: 8 pairs 36 x32 pants (Marley) Gifted Black, blue, suitable for administrative work.
Photo of free 8 pairs 36 x32 pants (Marley) #1
Free: Vicks vaporizer (Marley) Gifted Holds about a gallon of water, great shape.
Photo of free Vicks vaporizer (Marley) #1
Free: Step stool (Marley) Gifted Sturdy collapsible one-step stool. 10 inches high step,18 high total.
Photo of free Step stool (Marley) #1
Free: Fitbit Charge 3 w/ Charger (Marley) Gifted It might need to be reset, it might be beyond help. Instructions included. I loved it before some of the settings went batty. This is my third one. I don’t want to invest the time to figure out stuff like why the date is wrong, why I can’t see the face in daylight, etc.
Photo of free Fitbit Charge 3 w/ Charger (Marley) #1
Free: Two collapsible flower stands (Marley) Expired Green, very good condition. They are like easels.
Photo of free Two collapsible flower stands (Marley) #1
Free: Fitbit charge 3 charger cord (Marley) Expired Fitbit charge 3 charger cord
Photo of free Fitbit charge 3 charger cord (Marley) #1
Free: Floor mat (Marley) Gifted Carmel rectangular floor mat. Functional but has cracks in the middle, surface area. Adequately cushiony.
Photo of free Floor mat (Marley) #1
Request: Red Letter Bible (Marley) Expired I want a Bible with Christ's words printed in red ink. It would be a plus if it included a commentary, however, not a deal breaker if there is no commentary included.
Free: 6 seven-day 3-slot pill boxes (Marley) Gifted 6 seven day, morn/noon/eve pill boxes.
Photo of free 6 seven-day 3-slot pill boxes (Marley) #1
Free: Fitbit charge 3 (Marley) Gifted It might need to be reset, it might be beyond help. Instructions included. I loved it before some of the settings went batty. This is my third one. I don’t want to invest the time to figure out stuff like why the date is wrong, why I can’t see the face in daylight, etc.
Photo of free Fitbit charge 3 (Marley) #1
Free: Grass drying rack (Marley) Gifted Less than one month old. Too much counter clutter.
Photo of free Grass drying rack (Marley) #1
Free: Reposting Scale (Marley) Gifted Reposting an entirely functional scale. The interested person seems to have lost interest.
Photo of free Reposting Scale (Marley) #1
Photo of free Reposting Scale (Marley) #2
Free: 6 Dental bib clips (Marley) Gifted They’re called napkin holders. New.
Photo of free 6 Dental bib clips (Marley) #1
Free: One box of Non sterile exam gloves (Marley) Gifted Open box, started with 150 gloves. They are too small.
Photo of free One box of Non sterile exam gloves (Marley) #1
Free: 2 alarm clocks (Marley) Gifted Both work, one has radio, one is battery-powered only.
Photo of free 2 alarm clocks (Marley) #1