Plant cuttings and transplants

We have the following cuttings, plus a few plants. Most of them prefer full sun, although they’ll usually do fine in part-sun. However, I find that Red Echeveria, Fairy Crassula and Stinking Iris do better with a fair amount of shade.

* Aeonium canariense (Canary Island Aeonium) cuttings.

* Graptopetalum (Ghost Plant) cuttings.

* Senecio mandraliscae (Blue Chalksticks) cuttings. Lots of these available.

* Aeonium arboreum (Tree Aeonium) cuttings. I have two different varieties. One is more greenish, and the other is leans more to black. These cuttings are fairly small, and I only have a few.

* Echeveria coccinea (Red Echeveria) cuttings.

* Crassula multicava (Fairy Crassula) cuttings.

* Bulbine frutescens cuttings. I believe t his is the yellow variety? I only have a couple of these.

* Oscularia deltoides (Deltoid-leaved Dewplant). I only have a couple of these.

* Stachys byzantina ( Lamb's Ear ) plants. These were recently transplanted into 4-inch pots, so they should probably be left in the pots for a month or so before putting in the ground.

* Iris foetidissima (Stinking Iris). I only have one of these, in a gallon pot.

L et me know how many cuttings you want and what day/approximate time you can make the pickup. We live in the Centerville area of Fremont, near Thornton Ave.

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