Which? / Which Computing Magazines (2006 to 2021) (Kirkley NR33)

I have a large collection of Which? magazines (Jan 2011 to March 2021) plus Which Computing magazines (Nov 2006 to Feb 2021) and a couple of Which? Car Guides (2021 and 2022). These are produced by the Consumers Association, commonly known as Which?
Whilst the magazines go back a long way and the older product reviews won't be relevant, there are loads of interesting articles and handy guides to help save money through buying more reliable brands and that sort of thing. The Car Guides are pretty recent and are really useful if you are looking to buy a new or second hand car, noting the most reliable and liked cars as rated by their owners.
I will simply put them in the recycling bin if nobody wants them. Happy to split if you only wanted certain ones. Thank you.