Tomato plants (Hatfield AL10)

These are cuttings rooted in water a few weeks ago and potted up recently for your convenience. It's said that cuttings fruit much quicker than plants from seeds - about the same time as their parent plant - so it should not be too late to start from cuttings now. Some of them already have flowers. They should grow away fast if you keep them in a sunny place, water and pot them into bigger pots as they grow.

I didn't keep track of the varieties, so they are a random selection from Sungold, Sun Baby, Outdoor Girl, Gardener's delight, Costoluto di Firenze & Red Cherry. All are cordon/indeterminate/"standard" varieties (=not bush varieties). Mostly 2 per pot. I will offer to several people if there is demand.

Tomatoes are one plant slugs usually do not touch...

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