This item is offered to genuine Freaglers who want it for their use and not for resale purposes.
I will wait until at least 24-hours after the last expression of interest to ensure that everyone who wants to can express interest. This usually means that at least 3-4 days pass from first posting. Therefore, if you do express an interest please do not put in the email that you can pick up within a few hours as this is of no use.
Similarly, please do not tell my why you need this item. Occasionally, I remove such requests as I feel it aims to establish a moral worth over other Freeglers. None exists and all Freeglers are treated equally. That you want this item and I don't is sufficient.
I will select the successful Freegler using a random number generator so everyone has an equal chance. I will contact the successful Freegler asap after the 24-hour period is up and ask for confirmation that the item / s are still required. At that point I will provide my address and arrange a time and date for pick it up.
I only use Freagles message system for communicating as this is more secure for us both.
On that note. Happy Freegling.
Best wishes.
Tony Jones:-)
PS. I will only be in communication with whoever is offered this item as I normally get too much interest to respond to everyone.
bow saw - good condtion (Aigburth L17)
This offer has been gifted to someone and is no longer available.