Banana and sweet pepper plants (Near the experimental farm)

Hello friends,

I am helping my neighbour clean up their garden. Instead of dumping all of their outdoor plants, I am bringing some inside and offering the extras.

Here are banana plants that didn't get very big because they were grouped together. Funny thing, when you group banana plants, they make babies!

I have separated the main banana plant and each one comes with at least one little plant .

They all need to be treated before bringing indoors. Soak 'em and give new soil and sterilized pots. Otherwise, your home will start an entirely new unwelcome ecosystem.

Please let me know which and how many you want and I will bring them over to my place for curb side pickup.

Thank you for helping me keep these beauties alive.

Have a great weekend.

Collection Times
Anytime, they will be on the driveway.