Dell Inspiron 5558
Spec as per pic 2 with a bare install of ubuntu 20.04 on it. i7 x4 processor, 16GB RAM, sluggish HD, unenthusiastic battery, screen is fine.
The DC power socket is loose inside - it works, but it has to be nursed along. See how I've got the cable braced against a bench dog in the pic? Like that.
It really wants disassembling and properly securing. And full disassembly is a royal pain in the hole on this model.
Minor cosmetic damage to the case on front right corner. Maybe missing a couple of external case screws, but nothing wobbles.
Only take this unless you're prepared to tinker, or to make good use of the better components, or if you're utterly desperate. If you're expecting a trouble-free laptop on day one, you'll be wasting everyone's time and it'll just sit in the corner gathering dust.
Laptop, but with issues (Oxford-Freegle CGA OX4)
This offer has been gifted to someone and is no longer available.