Dust Separator, for Workshop / DIY (CT2)

600mm h x 300mm diameter.
Goes inbetween the vacuum cleaner / workshop vac & the dust, so one hose to the separator & another hose from the separator to the vacuum cleaner. Interceptss a useful amount of larger bits of dust & chippings so that the vacuum doesn't fill up so fast. In theory it should capture most of the dust as well but in practice it was never that good, though it did catch a certain amount of dust too.
The wooden baffle inside is called a Thien baffle & is supposed to cause the air to spin, centrifuging the larger particles out to the edge where they fall into the collection bucket, & the "cleaned" air goes out of the central hole to the vacuum cleaner. There's a ton of stuff on YouTube about the design.

I've probably got done bits of hose or adaptors that I can let you have, but in my experience no two vacuums have the same size hose ends on them, so you'll need to measure yours & let me know dill have a rummage & see what I can find.
The pipe connections are both 61mm diameter (ext) & 58mm (int) measured with a tape measure, so close but not exact.
(Plastic waste pipe fittings are often a very handy & cheap way to adapt between pipe diameters for this sort of problem, & 50mm waste pipe with a layer of gaffer tape round it fits snuggly, & I can supply an offcut if you need one.

Collection from Whitstable Rd area of Canterbury CT2.

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