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Free: Microwave. (Penrith CA11) Gifted Was given this microwave today to freegle for an old couple, the microwave is in good working order. Only thing wrong is the inside paint along the front blistered, the lady peeled it off,only needs a spot of paint to make it aesthetically good. Collection only.
Photo of free Microwave. (Penrith CA11) #1
Photo of free Microwave. (Penrith CA11) #2
Request: Wire clothes hangers. (Penrith CA11) Withdrawn Wire coat hangers ONLY, these are to be dismantled and upcycled on a project, no wood or plastic ones please.
Free: Cooler. (Penrith CA11) Withdrawn Working order counter cooler. Not been used for a while but still works,only fault as far as I can tell is the glass is foggy as I think seals have gone. Would be good as a back up or prep area unit. It's heavy so two people to lift. Collection only.
Photo of free Cooler. (Penrith CA11) #1
Photo of free Cooler. (Penrith CA11) #2
Free: Kitchen chairs. (2) (Penrith CA11) Gifted Two kitchen chairs, washable seat covers. Posting for a neighbour, no room for them in his bedsit,would like them uplifted by this weekend or they go to tip. Thanks.
Photo of free Kitchen chairs. (2) (Penrith CA11) #1
Photo of free Kitchen chairs. (2) (Penrith CA11) #2
Free: Snow over boot gaiter. (Penrith CA11) Expired Berghouse snow overboot gaiters, not mine, offering for someone not on freegle, know nothing about them,assume good for fellwalking in snow. Collection from old fire station Penrith by arrangement.
Photo of free Snow over boot gaiter. (Penrith CA11) #1
Photo of free Snow over boot gaiter. (Penrith CA11) #2
Free: Insulation. (Penrith CA11) Expired 200mm roll of insulation, good as a top up or for small shed etc. Collection only.
Photo of free Insulation. (Penrith CA11) #1
Request: Kilner jars. (Penrith CA11) Expired Kilner storage jars, I am making my own herbal tea and am running out of storage jars, anyone who is no longer using or want their jars I would be grateful if I could have them. Thank you.
Request: Metal plate. (Penrith CA11) Received I am looking for a piece of metal plate to cover a collapsed GPO cover, it needs to be strong enough for a van or 4x4 vehicle to drive over, so about a quarter inch thick by 28 x 28 inch square. Thank you.
Request: Long Bean Canes. (Penrith CA11) Expired My friend was given a bundle of bean canes at an event and put them to one side only to find that someone had gone with them! She has 50 bean seedlings arriving in a couple of days so is desperate for any bean poles or canes you may have spare, I can collect on her behalf or if you are in Penrith can arrange to meet. Thank you. Malcolm.
Request: Gloss Paint. (Penrith CA11) Received I am looking for white undercoat and gloss paint in particular, other colours also accepted, needed for repairs in Repair Cafe and for my bird boxes,tables etc.
Free: Hose Reel. (Penrith CA11) Gifted Water hose Reel surplus to requirements.
Photo of free Hose Reel. (Penrith CA11) #1
Free: Water Butt. (Penrith CA11) Gifted This has been used as a water butt, could do with a good clean as it has not been used for over a year. Will need a trailer and a pallet to set it on in its position. The tap works perfectly but there is no spout, you may be able to get one on YouTube or Freegle?
Photo of free Water Butt. (Penrith CA11) #1
Free: Gardeners trolly work table. (Penrith CA11) Gifted I have a gardeners trolly that can be used also as a work table in the garden, holds all your tools and plants, a little grubby but a hose down will make it look like new, very good condition.
Photo of free Gardeners trolly work table. (Penrith CA11) #1
Photo of free Gardeners trolly work table. (Penrith CA11) #2
Photo of free Gardeners trolly work table. (Penrith CA11) #3
Request: Paint. (Penrith CA11) Received I am looking for gloss paint and undercoat, mainly white but any other colours too. I will be using on Repair Cafe items and nature projects such as nest boxes, bird tables etc. Thank you.
Request: Springs Assorted sizes. (Penrith CA11) Expired I am looking for any smallish springs from clocks or clockwork machines, toys of any kind up to the type used in secateurs for repairs done by the Repair Cafe, they can be dropped off at the old fire station on Saturday, ask for Malcolm. Thank you.
Free: DVD's (Penrith CA11) Gifted I have been given approximately 150 DVD's in 3 bin bags, I propose to allow 3 people to take 1 bag each, pot luck! Photos indicate a selection from each bag. The lucky people can collect from the repair Cafe on Saturday between 10am and 1pm. Thank you. Malcolm.
Request: Pop Rivet gun and rivets. (Penrith CA11) Expired Has anyone got a hand pop rivet gun with or without rivets they no longer use, this is for the Penrith Repair Cafe. Thank you. Malcolm.
Request: Screws and bolts. (Penrith CA11) Expired I'm looking for various sizes of screws, mainly the smaller sizes up to about 5 inch. Also nuts and bolts up to about 6 inches. These are for the Penrith Repair Cafe. Thank you. Malcolm.
Request: Cup hook screws the 90 degree type. (Penrith CA11) Expired 90 degree cup Hook screws, new or second hand please. Approx 1.5 inch long please.
Request: Dressing table (Penrith CA11) Expired Dressing table wanted for a family new to Penrith, with mirror if possible.
Free: Bamboo (Penrith CA11) Expired Various lengths of bamboo, range approx 10 foot to approx 18 foot lengths. Great for building garden frames for climbers, beans as well as flower. Approx 20 available. Trailer or roof rack needed, collection only.
Photo of free Bamboo (Penrith CA11) #1
Photo of free Bamboo (Penrith CA11) #2
Photo of free Bamboo (Penrith CA11) #3
Request: Plastic lidded boxes. (Penrith CA11) Expired Plastic boxes with fitted lid of the type as shown in photo. This type of box fits precisely in the transporting unit and the equipment also fits this precise sized box, the hinged lid has a interlocking tooth system as seen in photo, we require as many as we can get. Thank you.
Photo of Plastic lidded boxes. (Penrith CA11) #1
Request: Bunk Bed (Penrith CA11) Received I'm looking for a no longer needed BUNK BED for a family that have just moved to Penrith but have no proper bed for their two young boys, I or my friend can collect at your convenience. Thank you.
Free: Curtains (Penrith CA11) Expired Offcut of very large curtain, approx 26 ft long not sure of the width say 10.foot? This material is ideal for covering compost heaps or for ground cover as a weed suppressant on a no dig plot or raised bed. It has some mould on it so already got a starter for mycelium growth!
Photo of free Curtains (Penrith CA11) #1
Request: Dryer pipe (Penrith CA11) Expired I am looking for plastic dryer pipe to convert to a dust collection unit, it should be approximately 5 inches wide pipe, I can collect. Thank you.
Request: Perspex (Penrith CA11) Expired Clear plastic perspex sheet. I am looking for a piece of perspex sheet as a safety viewing window on a machine. Approximate size two and a half to three foot by eighteen inch to two foot please.
Free: DVD's (Penrith CA11) Expired Selection of approx 140 DVD's, some duplicated, some never used, take the lot and share with your friends. Must go by next Saturday or they go to the tip. All in mint condition.
Photo of free DVD's (Penrith CA11) #1
Photo of free DVD's (Penrith CA11) #2
Photo of free DVD's (Penrith CA11) #3
Photo of free DVD's (Penrith CA11) #4
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Request: Watering can (Penrith CA11) Expired I run a community poly tunnel and raised bed scheme but most of our watering cans have passed their usefulness, so if anyone has preferably a metalwaterkng can with rose I would be most grateful. Thank you in advance.