A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Free: Expired Gatorade (San Jose) Gifted - All completely unopened and sealed just a little past its expiration date of November 8, 2023. Just wanted to check before I throw them away please let me know date and about what time And I will leave them for porch pick up
Photo of free Expired Gatorade (San Jose)
Free: Past fresh by date chips (San Jose) Gifted - All past their guaranteed fresh by date but completely unopened. The Fritos fresh by date was 02/13/2024, Cheetos And ruffles fresh by date was 03/12/24 If anybody still wants them, let me know for a porch pick up.
Photo of free Past fresh by date chips (San Jose)
Request: Large Desk (San Jose) - Looking for a “L” shaped desk or hydraulic up and down desk. One with a lot of room on the desk space. I have a truck and ways to transport. Thank you Michelle Free: Coffee pot (San Jose) Gifted - Antique coffee pot, missing inner rod not sure if it works though if you replace that. can be purchased separately Very cool antique item wish I could keep but don’t have room Please allow our window for porch pick up preferably today. Thanks. Michelle.
Photo of free Coffee pot (San Jose)
Photo of free Coffee pot (San Jose)
Free: Cups and bowls (San Jose) Gifted - Mixture of plastic and glass cups bowls, and a vase all clean in fine condition except for handle broken on bowl in front. Please leave our window preferably today porch pick up. Please take all.
Photo of free Cups and bowls (San Jose)
Photo of free Cups and bowls (San Jose)
Photo of free Cups and bowls (San Jose)
Free: Umbrella stroller (San Jose) Gifted - Kids umbrella stroller great condition barely used. Please provide our window for porch pick up preferably today. Thanks. Michelle.
Photo of free Umbrella stroller (San Jose)
Photo of free Umbrella stroller (San Jose)
Photo of free Umbrella stroller (San Jose)
Free: Hippo container of plastic blocks (San Jose) Gifted - Plastic hippo in great condition just missing eyes and has sticker residue on the front, not sticky anymore. Blocks are in perfect condition barely used I think used once and cleaned please leave our window for porch pick up preferably today. Thanks. Michelle
Photo of free Hippo container of plastic blocks (San Jose)
Photo of free Hippo container of plastic blocks (San Jose)
Photo of free Hippo container of plastic blocks (San Jose)
Free: Glide chair with ottoman (San Jose) Gifted - Glide chair and ottoman works very well, cherrywood in perfect condition but as you can tell, there’s some staining from my daughter. It is not P or human body soil. It is just her writing and spills, can we reupholstered or taken off but there is no cushion if taken off. Please let me know an hour window for porch pick up preferably today. Thank you. Michelle
Photo of free Glide chair with ottoman (San Jose)
Photo of free Glide chair with ottoman (San Jose)
Photo of free Glide chair with ottoman (San Jose)
Free: Expired Chips (San Jose) Gifted - I wanted to check before I threw them away if someone out there wants these. The guaranteed fresh until printed date is sept 12, 2023 but They are still ALL completely sealed air tight. There are 10 crunchy Cheetos and 7 nacho cheese Doritos. My daughter is allergic to cheese so she can’t eat these two flavors out of the variety mix. please let me know the time for whoever wants them so they aren’t left out in the rain Thanks
Photo of free Expired Chips (San Jose)
Request: Mirrors (South San Jose) Expired - If anyone has any mirrors that they are looking to get rid of? I am the person that will gladly take them off your hands. they can be any shape, scratched, broken, old, new, anything works. Message me day or night and if u had the dimensions or guesstimate that would be awesome. Thank you and have a wonderful day for all who read this, Michelle Request: Curtain rods and curtains (South San Jose) Expired - I’m in need of some long curtain rods most but if anyone has some heavy duty curtains I would like them also Thanks Michelle Free: Baby bassinet (South San Jose) Gifted - Barely used will connect with a Grayco pack and play has vibrating capabilities that uses batteries and shade can come off
Photo of free Baby bassinet (South San Jose)
Photo of free Baby bassinet (South San Jose)
Photo of free Baby bassinet (South San Jose)
Request: Thick mirrors (South San Jose) Expired - Hi I’m looking for my second big item in my art which is mirrors and particularly the thicker mirrors and not the paper thin kind Thank you and have a wonderful day Michelle Strobach Request: Vintage costume jewelry/beads (South San Jose) Expired - Hi I’m looking for vintage jewelry and or beads of any size for my startup art business. It will go to great use and if there is any requested not to use in my art pieces for lots to see I have a collection from my grandmas that I cherish very very much. Thank you and have a wonderful day. Michelle Free: Foldable platform bed frame (South San Jose) Expired - King Platform metal bed frame Extremely easy set up with no tools required King Request: Doggy door (South San Jose) Expired - We got a new dog at home and very much in need of a doggy door that can be installed in a normal back door. If my door fits yours we can even trade doors (locks removed of course) if that’s easier. My back door is in perfect condition with no marks of any kind. Please put down the time and date down that you plan to have this ready for me and I will come at my earliest convenience. Thank you, Have a wonderful 4th Michelle
Photo of Doggy door (South San Jose)
Request: Back door (South San Jose) Expired - I’m in need of a outside door (2 holes, for knob and deadbolt) with standard router cutouts like in picture. Would LOVE if it had a medium dog door attached but if not I can always put one in myself. Dimensions are 2’8” wide and 6’7” long It can be longer or wider as long as the knob cutout midline is or can be 2’9” from bottom of the door. Thank you all so much
Photo of Back door (South San Jose)