Mend-it Café w/ Spokane Zero Waste
Thursday, 3 April 2025
14:00 – 17:00
14:00 – 17:00
Hosted by Spokane Zero Waste in partnership with Gonzaga Outdoors
What's a Mend-It Cafe you ask? It's a community organized and run event where you can get your clothes and other textile goods repaired or repurposed. It's also a way to grow a repair economy, divert textile waste from landfill and join communities around the globe engaged in reuse and repair over replace.
Here's how these events typically will work:
Bring an article of clothing to be repaired
Check in and get paired with a mender
Watch as your mender brings new life to your garment.
Below is a list of the things we can fix.
1. Fallen Hems
2. Broken Zippers
3. Torn Garments
4. Simple Alterations
5. Sock Darning
Questions and more, visit
Learn more about Repair Economy Washington and how to start a repair group at:
What's a Mend-It Cafe you ask? It's a community organized and run event where you can get your clothes and other textile goods repaired or repurposed. It's also a way to grow a repair economy, divert textile waste from landfill and join communities around the globe engaged in reuse and repair over replace.
Here's how these events typically will work:
Bring an article of clothing to be repaired
Check in and get paired with a mender
Watch as your mender brings new life to your garment.
Below is a list of the things we can fix.
1. Fallen Hems
2. Broken Zippers
3. Torn Garments
4. Simple Alterations
5. Sock Darning
Questions and more, visit
Learn more about Repair Economy Washington and how to start a repair group at: