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Free: Novels: Baldwin, Ellison, Toomer (Dubuque) Black experience by classic 20th-century novelists: By James Baldwin: THE FIRE NEXT TIME, GOING TO MEET THE MAN, IF BEALE STREET COULD TALK, and NOBODY KNOWS MY NAME. By Ralph Ellison: INVISIBLE MAN. By Jean Toomer: CANE. Paperbacks in good readable condition. You're welcome to any, some, or all.
Free: Eddie Bauer crossbody bag + (Dubuque) *Eddie Bauer Crossbody bag, with adjustable strap and several compartments--a Velcro pocket, a front zip-open pocket with a built in card holder and two small inside pockets. 6” W x 8 “H. All zippers work smoothly. Clean and in good condition. *Two new lanyards--black and red. *26x30" light-weight woven green scarf, geometric pattern, plain border. *Two men's grey handkerchiefs, with complementing muted plaids. *Matchbook sewing kit You're welcome to any, some, or all.
Free: 7 cookbooks from IA, WI, KY, OR + (Dubuque) All coil-bound, conveniently usable, in good condition: *"Kitchen Works" from Eau Claire, WI Service League,1980. 8.5"x 6". 300 pages, submitted by members. "A Taste of Oregon," from Junior League of Eugene, 1980. 9"x6". 381 pages, *"PIG OUT," from Waterloo-Cedar Falls Junior League, 1986. 256 7"X9" page hardback (coil-bound) *"Favorite Recipes" Rockdale United Methodist Church, Dubuque, 2013. 100 8.5" x 11" pages. "To Market, To Market," produced by Owensboro Kentucky Junior League, 1984. 344 coil-bound pages. Lays flat. Charming nursery-rhyme pig illustrations and bookmarks. Good index to variety of dishes, including baked rattlesnake. "Chicken of the Sea Tempting Tuna Cookbook," 1976. 5x8 128 coil-bound pages with photos, index. "Lipton Creative Cookery: Made Easy with Lipton Soup Mix," 1987. 96 coil-bound 8.5"x 11" pages, great photos, good index. All clean and in good shape. You're welcome to any, some, or all.
Free: 5 coil-bound community cookbooks (Dubuque) Withdrawn All conveniently usable, in good condition: *"PIG OUT," from Waterloo-Cedar Falls Junior League, 1986. 256 7X9" page hardback (coilbound) *"Favorite Recipes" Rockdale United Methodist Church, Dubuque, 2013. 100 8.5 x 11 pages, coil-bound. "To Market, To Market," produced by Owensboro Kentucky Junior League, 1984. 344 coil-bound pages. Lays flat. Charming nursery-rhyme pig illustrations and bookmarks. Good index to variety of dishes, including baked rattlesnake. "Chicken of the Sea Tempting Tuna Cookbook," 1976. 5x8 128 coil-bound pages with photos, index. "Lipton Creative Cookery: Made Easy with Lipton Soup Mix," 1987. 96 coil-bound 8.5x 11 pages, great photos, good index. All clean and in good shape. You're welcome to any, some, or all.
Free: Kurt Vonnegut books (Dubuque) BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS--hardback novel, with paper jacket, all in good condition. GOD BLESS YOU, MR. ROSEWATER--paperback novel in good readable condition. WELCOME TO THE MONKEY HOUSE--paperback novel in good readable condition. KURT, VONNEGUT, JR.--paperback nonfiction exploring Vonnegut's world and his popularity.
Free: 80 1975 Witherspoon post cards (Dubuque) The John Witherspoon stamped postcard was issued on November 10, 1975. The postcard was issued to honor John Witherspoon, a Founding Father of the United States. John Witherspoon was a Scottish-American Presbyterian minister, educator, farmer and the president of the College of New Jersey. I have 80 of these postcards in perfect condition, featured with the 9-cent Witherspoon stamp. A few months ago, someone on E-Bay was asking $1.00 for 3 of these post cards If you'll appreciate them, you're welcome to have them for the trouble of picking them up.
Free: 1975 9-cent Witherspoon post cards (Dubuque) Withdrawn These 80 stamped postcards were issued on November 10, 1975 to honor John Witherspoon, a Founding Father of the US. Witherspoon was a Scottish-American Presbyterian minister, educator, farmer and the president of the College of New Jersey. These 80 postcards in perfect condition, printed with the 9-cent Witherspoon stamp. A few months ago, someone on E-Bay was offering them @ 3 for $1.00. If you'll appreciate them, you're welcome to have them for the trouble of picking them up.
Free: antique white porcelain towel bar (Dubuque) 0riginal to 1907 house. 18-inch long wall-mount towel bar. Two white porcelain mounts which screw into wall. White glass bar. All 3 pieces in good condition--no cracks or chips.
Free: Eddie Bauer bag + (Dubuque) Withdrawn Eddie Bauer Crossbody bag, with adjustable strap and several compartments--a Velcro pocket, a front zip-open pocket with a built in card holder and two small inside pockets. 6” W x 8 “H. All zippers work smoothly. Clean and in good condition. Two new lanyards--black and red. Matchbook sewing kit 26x30" light-weight woven green scarf, geometric pattern, plain border. Two men's grey handkerchiefs, with complementing muted plaids. You're welcome to any, some, or all.
Free: glasses, soup bowls, salad servers (Dubuque) *retro 3.5" drinking glass--50s or 60s with incised geometric pattern. Good condition. *vintage 4" heavy glass with molded arches and starburst on bottom. No chips or cracks. *antique 4"molded glass with strawberry thumbprint style. Blossoms and leaves on bottom. *fork and spoon olive wood salad serving set hand-made in Crete, purchased this summer. *Two antique yellow soup bowls by Edwin M. Knowles China Co. Yorktown Shape, lots 38-3 and 38-6. Each has a small chip in rim, out of sight in use. *2.5" clear glass vase shaped like with handles molded in stylized cut glass pattern. 1/4 chip in base, not visible in use. *Decorative ceramic disk designed to hang on wall 1/2" thick and 5" across. Pale blue wash of raised heron standing among reeds. Very nice condition. You're welcome to any, some or all.
Free: Birdsong CD and Hare address book (Dubuque) *Hallmark address book--7"x 8" hardback Pristine. Hallmark Christmas 1999 receipt included. Front cover presents contemplative image of of Albrecht Durer's "Young Hare," 1502. *CD of songs and sounds of 150 common birds from Stokes Field Guide to Bird Songs. Never used. You're welcome to either or both.
Free: Books by Ernest Hemingway (Dubuque) For Whom the Bell Tools (hardback in very good condition). A Farewell to Arms (hadback in very good condition) The Sun Also Rises (hardback in very good condition). The Nick Adams Stories (paperback in good readable condition) In Our Time (paperback in good readable condition). You're welcome to any, some, or all.
Free: Supplies for Creative Valentines (Dubuque) Expired Many small felt hearts--red, white, pink, green, yellow. Roll of gold heart ribbon trim. Two-dozen SOFT SHAPES by the yard shiny fabric hearts. Vintage rick rack--some red, some gold. Misc. cut-out hearts. Old Valentines cards, hearts, origami boats and birds, imaginative bits and pieces--ready to re-purpose. You can have any, some or all.
Free: 16 books of Science Fiction (Dubuque) 6 by Arthur C. Clarke: CHILDHOOD'S END. THE CITY AND THE STARS. THE DEEP RANGE. EXPEDITION TO EARTH. GLIDE PATH. REACH FOR TOMORROW. 2 by Samuel R. Delany: BABEL-17 and THE EINSTEIN INTERSECTION. 2 by Frank Herbert: DUNE and CHILDREN OF DUNE. 1 by Allen Andrews THE PIG PLANTAGENET. 1 by Peter S. Beagle: THE LAST UNICORN. 1 by Joe Haldeman: THE FOREVER WAR. 1 by James P. Hogan: INHERIT THE STARS. 1 by George Stewart: EARTH ABIDES. 1 by Gene Wolfe: THE FIFTH HEAD OF CERBERUS Used paperbacks. Some never read. You're welcome to any, some, or all.
Free: Set of Four Faulkner Novels (Dubuque) Clothbound hardback set, by Random House, in good condition. AS I LAY DYING LIGHT IN AUGUST SANCTUARY THE SOUND AND THE FURY
Free: 10,000 BTU window air conditioner (Dubuque) Model #A6Q10F2A. 10,000 BTU runs off standard household 110 outlet. 1,000 watt cooling. Fedders. Clean and in good running condition. Best for two to pick up in daytime.
Free: reading glasses in good shape (Dubuque) Gifted In good shape. Frames aren't worn. Lenses aren't scratched. Reading glasses: Foster Grant 51 +1.50 PD62 +/-2MM; OPO815 Harrison Brown. PD622 MM +3.25; CTO819 Council 2.0 3PK BLK Zenni tortoise shell. Another very light-weight pair, with tortoise shell earpieces. No brand or power info. Sunglasses: Pair of magnetic clip-on sunglasses for glasses with small, rectangular lenses. A dozen packets of lens wipes. You may have any, some, or all.
Free: Can You Pass These Tests? (Dubuque) 314-page book of "The toughest tests you'll never have to take but always wanted to try"-- Complete versions of the famously challenging tests for New York State Bar Exam, Baseball Umpire, U.S. Citizenship, California Culinary Academy Test, Harvard University's final exam in U.S. History . . . Copy Editor Competence, Voter Literacy, Architectural Exam,Florida Real Estate Sales License, Texas State Public School Teachers' Competency Test . . . and many others. Answers are provided at the end of each test. A unique gift for your favorite brainiac. In very good condition.
Free: Spanish/English Dictionary + (Dubuque) *New Century publishing English/Spanish; Spanish English Dictionary. 638-page handbook-sized hardback. Good condition. "The New College MULTILINGUAL DICTIONARY": French/ Spanish/ Italian/ German/ Russian/ Portuguese/ English. Look up a word in one language. You get that word in six other languages. Good for student, writer, reader, or traveller. ACT Preparation Guide. Spine not even cracked_ You're welcome to any, some, or all.
Free: 3 old drinking glasses + (Dubuque) Withdrawn *retro 3.5" drinking glass--50s or 60s with incised geometric pattern. Good condition. *vintage 4" heavy glass with molded arches and starburst on bottom. No chips or cracks. *antique 4"molded glass with strawberry thumbprint style. Blossoms and leaves on bottom. *fork and spoon olive wood salad serving set hand-made in Crete, purchased this summer. *3 hand-knit/crocheted dish cloths, 1 mauve striped all cotton, 1 green/white squares, 1 white pastels. *Decorative ceramic disk designed to hang on wall 1/2" thick and 5" across. Pale blue wash of raised heron standing among reeds. Very nice condition. *Two antique yellow soup bowls by Edwin M. Knowles China Co. Yorktown Shape, lots 38-3 and 38-6. Each has a small chip in rim, out of sight in use. *2.5" clear glass vase shaped like with handles molded in stylized cut glass pattern. 1/4 chip in base, not visible in use. You're welcome to any, some or all.
Free: crossbody bag + (Dubuque) Gifted Eddie Bauer Crossbody bag, with adjustable strap and several compartments--a Velcro pocket, a front zip-open pocket with a built in card holder and two small inside pockets. 6” W x 8 “H. All zippers work smoothly. Clean and in good condition. 26x30" light-weight woven green scarf, geometric pattern, plain border. Two men's grey handkerchiefs, with complementing muted plaids. Two lanyards--black and red Grinnell. Matchbook sewing kit
Free: Drama by Synge, Congreve, Ibsen+ (Dubuque) +IBSEN: 8 plays, including A DOLL'S HOUSE, AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE, GHOSTS, THE WILD DUCK. +STRINDBERG: EASTER, INFERNO, THE DANCE OF DEATH, THE FATHER, MISS JULIA+. *Synge's THE COMPLETE PLAYS. *Congreve: Complete plays. *Sheridan: Six plays. Plus three volumes of Masterworks of World Drama: Vol. II: Rome and the MIddle Ages. Vol. III: The Renaissance. Vol. VI Romanticism and Realism. You're welcome to any, some, or all.
Free: old jewelry, including some broken (Dubuque) Gifted Good condition: Gold-colored key chain, its fob a 3" whisk. Silver key chain, its fob a pair of red wooden shoes, each painted with a white capital "C". Black leather bracelet with silver trim and magnet catch. 4 pairs 50s era clip-ons--1 w/ gold-colored beads and braid, 3 pairs with assorted blue bea combos. Simple woven leather cuff, with black snap. 3" decorative gold colored safety pin. 1" round gold-colored broach set with white rhinestones. Men's steel Speidel Express watch. In great condition. Working now. Dime-sized stamped sunburst medallion. Damaged condition: Swiss Army knife--all functional tools present and serviceable. Red cover on one side's gone missing. Woman's working Timex, with silver and gold face. Metal strap stretched. Woman's Timex watch--working but worn, strap half gone. Earrings. retro 50s pair made w shells painted black, glued on a fan of painted coral?--bent, chipped.
Free: for floral arrangements, feeder (Dubuque) Gifted *2 round antique glass frogs for flower arrangements. One five inches across. On 3.5 inches across. *Glass marbles for floral arrangements: Clear flat disks--medium and large. Flat-sided red marbles. Even more of same in green. Small mixed assortment of clear, green, and blue. *Straight-sided heavy green-tinged glass dish, with thick rim and stippled surface. 4.5" across, 3" high. *6x6" blue and white painted floral tile stamped MARIWASA. Set in black painted metal frame with feet. *3/4" poured clear glass disc, 1/2" thick. Scatter of bubbles trapped inside. *Black 8" tin plate for candle pillar. Looks like "hammered" metal at first glance. Made in China. *Hummingbird feeder. 10" tall. Clear plastic oblong reservoir for nectar. Red base with three feeding stations with perches. Has large loop at top for your hanger. You're welcome to any, some, or all.
Free: for floral arrangements (Dubuque) Withdrawn *2 round antique glass frogs for flower arrangements. One five inches across. On 3.5 inches across. *Glass marbles for floral arrangements: Clear flat disks--medium and large. Flat-sided red marbles. Even more of same in green. Small mixed assortment of clear, green, and blue. *Straight-sided heavy green-tinged glass dish, with thick rim and stippled surface. 4.5" across, 3" high. *Black 8" tin plate for candle pillar. Looks like "hammered" metal at first glance. Made in China. *Hummingbird feeder. 10" tall. Clear plastic oblong reservoir for nectar. Red base with three feeding stations with perches. Has large loop at top for your hanger.
Free: 80 John Witherspoon post cards (Dubuque) Withdrawn The John Witherspoon stamped postcard was issued on November 10, 1975. The postcard was issued to honor John Witherspoon, a Founding Father of the United States. John Witherspoon was a Scottish-American Presbyterian minister, educator, farmer and the president of the College of New Jersey. I have 80 of these postcards in perfect condition, featured with the 9-cent Witherspoon stamp. A few months ago, someone on E-Bay was selling them @ 3 for $1.00. If you'll appreciate them, you're welcome to have them for the trouble of picking them up.
Free: vintage/retro bathroom (Dubuque) Gifted *Hand embroidered ~1940s white vanity cover with two baskets of red, yellow, blue flowers with blue tatted edges. One tiny hole and a few petals could be tightened up. I've used it happily as is for years. *1950s child's toothbrush holder--Clear plastic tube, with turquoise elephant sitting upright on cap. *1960s one-oz. tincture of merthiolate bottle. Empty and dry. Pristine label reads Mfg. by Eli Lilly Co . . . Distributed by Diamond Drug, INC. West Haven Conn. 06506 stamped 3932 *Eight 1960s pink hair rollers-great condition. *1960s to present--5 hand towels, 5 wash cloths--blue, white or floral. Some unused. All quite usable. *two kids' 1990s toothbrush covers: one small, plain red; one a large orange shark.
Free: supplies for creative crafter (Dubuque) *TOMS flag, still folded, with tag. *handful of used greeting cards *big envelope of postage stamps, most mailed, not cancelled. *dozen large corks *2015. Moon Calendar You're welcome to any, some, or all. Feel free to indicate what you are and are not interested in.